ten ; i dont hate you, blythe

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chapter ten ; i don't hate you, blythe

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chapter ten ; i don't hate you, blythe

The cafeteria was alive with movement. My eyes couldn't keep up with the students standing up and sitting down, or focus on a single person for too long because someone else would do something more interesting.

It was loud too; incredibly loud.

The low rumble of background chatter occasionally raised to a chaotic shouting before lowering again, fluctuating back and forth like the waves had on the beach the day before.


A boy on the table nearby was cursing intensely after spilling his water all over his trousers whilst his rowdy friends laughed and made fun of him for 'pissing his pants'.


A dark haired girl on a table further away giggled and twirled her hair as she flirted with a blonde boy, blushing as he whispered something in her ear. I widened my eyes, worried that I was interrupting something.

I flicked my hungry eyes back across to my own table, only to see my friends all staring at me with amused expressions.

"Anne!" Ruby's frustrated calling finally snapped me out of my trance and I smiled sheepishly.


"You completely tuned out of the conversation," Jane informed me as she sipped her soda.

"Oh, sorry. Did I miss anything?" I asked, digging into my untouched lunch.

"We were just talking about your detention tonight with Gilbert," Diana nudged me in the side suggestively.

"How many times have I told you guys? He won't even look at me, and I don't even want him to," I shrugged, hoping that I seemed nonchalant.

"Yeah, right," Tilly's eyebrows shot up.

"I think he's quite hurt, actually Anne," Diana told me matter-of-factly, "I was in his class when we all heard the bang of Billy's fist against the locker and someone from the next classroom said something about you and him in a fight. Not even a second after your name had been uttered, Gilbert was out the door shoving Billy away from you. He was so quick to come to your defence and you snubbed him in front of everyone!"

"That's not fair Di," I muttered, looking down, "at the time it seemed like he was just using it as a way to show off his charm in front of everyone."

"Did Anne just admit to Gilbert having charm?" Josie gasped theatrically so I threw a grape at her. She just raised her eyebrows in challenge and caught it, shoving it in her mouth.

I rolled my eyes but Jane spoke before I could retort.

"By the way Anne, I don't think that I ever apologised on behalf of Billy," Jane stared at me in embarrassment, "I can't believe that he was so aggressive and rude to you, I yelled at him all night."

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