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" without you, i feel broke like I'm half of a whole. "

-We the Kings, Sad song




What to wear, what to wear..

I looked through my closet, trying to find something that screams 'party'. Since I don't go to many party's or 'get togethers', I didn't know what to wear. All I knew was that when people go to parties, they wear something tight and heels.

I looked through every one of my dresses until I found a red tight long sleeve dress. It was almost up to my knees. I wouldn't have worn anything like it if it was up to my thighs. I'm not a slut.

I took a shower and then curled my hair. After my hair was curled into big locks, I put on the red dress. I didn't put much make up. I didn't want to cake up my face for a bunch of drunks. I put on mascara and some lipstick.

Wow, I look presentable.

After I was done, I looked at the time and put on my red high heels.

You can say that I was nervous at the fact that im going to a place with actual people and alcohol. I get crazy around alcohol. I promised my self I wouldn't even touch the drinks. Id just have fun.

I went outside and went to my car. I saw Louis across the street and waved at him. I got into my car and drove to the address that Niall had gave me. I was right on time.

I parked my car a few blocks down, seeming I couldn't find a free space.

"More like a fucking frat party." I said to myself as I saw the house blaring music so loud. I'm surprised the cops weren't here yet.

I sat in the car for a few minutes trying to think. Should I go in there?

You came here to have fun, go.

I did get all ready. If I didn't go inside, I would've just wasted all afternoon instead of doing my essay.

I got myself together and got out of the car. Yes, it was hard walking in heels but I always have a back up in my purse. My purse was small but could still fit my pair of toms.

I walked up to the door and knocked.

"Hey, Ama! Wow you look-" Niall said and paused to look at my outfit,"amazing! Come in, come in!"

"Niall, you told me this was a get together.." I said as I walked into the place.

I assumed this was his house. It was massive. Their was spiral staircases on the side and then regular staircases. People were scattered all over the place, some dancing and grinding, others sitting for a drink and flirting with each other, drunk off of their asses.

I knew Niall was rich but not this rich. His parents were probably out of town.

"Yeah, things kinda got out of hand. Friends came with friends and then the friends of friends came with more friends and then the friends of friends of friend-"

"Niall, shut up." I laughed.

"Yeah, so just have fun and make friends, I'm gonna go get a drink. Feel free to get as much as you want and if you wanna ask me anything, I'll be by the bar." Said Niall and then had his little white boy ass walk away.

I stood against the edge of the wall by the living room. I was thinking of things to do. I looked around more and saw familiar faces but I didn't talk to any of them.

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