The Beginning

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I wake up at 650 am. I get dressed and get to school by 714am. I scream along to all the songs on the way to try and wake myself up. It works I guess.
I drag myself through the day. I'm a senior and thankfully it's almost done. Actually no. Not thankfully.... I'm not ready to graduate I have no idea what I'm going to do after school. I mean I'm only 17 so does it matter.... yes.
I'm actually kind of proud of myself though. This year has been the best school year I've had so far... that's kind of sad considering I eat lunch alone in the hallway and only have two friends that are freshmen. They're cool though.
I've gotten so used to life being boring and repetitive that I barely notice anything anymore. Lunch time comes around and I actually end up sitting with one out of two friends Danny. She a nice lil hippy girl. We talk about some stuff.... I'm kind of awkward.
Then it's last class. 6th period. I fucking hate this class fuck ms.B stupid old lady.

Okay that's kind of mean but honestly she hasn't taught us anything all year but is still super stict and all we end up doing is sitting in class doing nothing unless the few kids make her talk about her life.
I've started to sit next to that group of annoying boys. I don't know why....
But they seem nice.
I guess.
Anyway they try to talk to me but I'm shy and come off meanish with few responses, I don't mean to be mean but it just happened. I just don't know how to talk to people.
So after the entirely boring class I head home.
At home it's boring but that's my life. I sit in my room and read books upon books. Then I take a nap maybe go to the store for my mom then go to sleep only to repeat this process over and over again.
Nothing ever changes. Ever.
Well that is until he asked me to come to the park.

The story of how I fucked up Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora