I tapped my pencil against the table in frustration, everyday for English class we pick an inspirational quote that means something to us. It's bullshit, and frankly the only thing we do in this hour and a half class. It's spouses to be 'bellwork' but it usually lasts all class. I look at the clock to confirm that not even ten minutes has passed since the bell rung and We've still done nothing. I mean yeah it's nice but when you don't really talk to people it's kind of boring.
  I decided to casually listen in on the conversation going on a desk infront
Of me.  This kid Rylan and Jose are talking about politics and nazis. Yeah I don't really understand them but it's kind of interesting. They're talking about how Jose is going to quote hitler due to him being inspirational and also to just fuck with ms.B.
  I start doodling as I listen, now they're talking about clothes boys are so weird
Suddenly the tall lanky white kid Rylan turns around in his seat. "So Leah if I do remember you said you hate the color green".
I look up at him and blink "um yeah"
" okay then" he continues "then why do you have so much green stuff? Like your ring and sock and even your pencil"
  I shrug my shoulders "I don't know green likes me I guess"
He gives me a look then turns back around to Jose.
Finally class starts. Ms.B doesn't like my quote about money so I have to find a new one.
The entire class we end up talking about how differently wwII could've gone and how 'hitler wasn't that bad of a guy' ...... wonderful.
  The bell was about to ring when Rylan turned back to me again.
"So want to hang out after school?"
Yikes... I haven't hung out with someone besides family after school in forever...
"Uhhh I can't... I'm wearing pants" I almost face palm.
He shakes his head and laughs "why is that a problem?"
"They're uncomfortable?" I raise an eyebrow, I mean it's kind of true...
"Then change?"
"Um maybe I don't know"
Thank god the bell rang and I was free to pick up my shit and leave.
Hahaha I wish. No we had to sit for three minutes while Ms.B lectured us about how the bell doesn't dismiss us. Blah blah blah.
  I actually thank god when I get home and fall into my bed.
Happily I take a very short nap that's interrupted with a text from Rylan.
Rylan-Hey wyd
Me-nothing wbu
Rylan-come to beachwood park and hang out with my friends and I :)
Rylan-now.see you there.
I almost scream... I haven't hung out with anyone ever. This is going to be so awkward oh my lord Jesus.
I put shorts on(because I obviously can't wear pants at this point) and ask my mom if I can hang out with friends.
She shocked I've asked and gladly tells me to go and have fun and be back at 11.
Thanks a lot mom... lowkey hoping she would say no.
  The park is right next to my house not even 5 minutes and I could've walked but I drive.
I pull up to the park and see Rylan and some tall dark kid with curly hair with him.
I get out and they come over to me.yikes.
"Oh so this is chipotle?" The curly hair kid asks.
Oh and yeah Rylan put my name in his phone as that when we first got each others numbers because I obviously love chipotle.
"I mean I'm Leah, hi" I smile and wave awkwardly.
"I'm Kyle, hey nice car" he say looking at my mustang.
"I know right" I laugh and cringe at myself.. I need to go home.
Then we start walking and talking well they mostly talk I kinda listen.
We sit on the playground where no kids are around and they mess around and stuff.
This is so weird I want to go home.
Rylan thankfully makes conversation with me, he can tell I'm too awkward for this.
Kyle hits a vape and I laugh at him "wooow" I quote a vine.
Omg I need to stop.
He narrows his eyes at me and vapes his vape at me.
"Ewwwww" I cringe and flap my arms through the smoke.
"Anyway ken is on his way over" Rylan says clapping his hand which makes me raise my eyebrows... weird.
"Eww I fucking hate that kid"
I look to Kyle "why".
"He's fucking annoying and lies and shit"
  "Sounds fun" I laugh.
Rylan shakes his head and defends his friend.
Oh well I'm not going to judge before I meet them.
This kid ken shows up and Kyle promptly leave soon after leaving the three of us. We walk around the park until it gets dark... Rylan is kinda close to me. I thought we were going to just be friends but he lowkey is flirting...
Hmmm I could go for this.
I mean I've never had a real boyfriend so maybe I could wife him up. But then again I kinda want to lose my vCard and my cousin always told me it's good to practice with someone you don't care about so you're ready  when you do care. So many possibilities.
  These kids are weird.
"Want to go to an abandon mansion?" Rylan asks me with raised eyebrows.
"Ooo hell yeah" I smile... I love illegal activities.
So we go. And as we walk there rylan keeps fucking with me. I let it happen.
He smacks my ass and I hit him back. It becomes a game of sort.
Rylan and I are obviously flirting.
Once in the mansion o get scared of the dark and there's a dead animal in the corner. Ew.
"Let's come back during the day" I laugh and scoot closer to rylan.
"Nahhhh that's no fun" ken says and the short skinny kid starts heading up the broken stairs.
Then there's a noise from upstairs. We run outside and don't stop till we get to the end of the driveway.
Rylans holding my hand. I let it happen.
Ken is walking behind us as we safely heard back to the car. This kid decided to join rylans game of touching my ass which made me very uncomfortable.
"Stop kennn" I say trying to laugh it off.
He doesn't stop.
He hits my ass again with his lanyard.
"Okay stop" I say again but seriously.
Yeahh no kyle was right this kid is a little off.
But he seems nice enough I guess.
The only way he stopped was when rylan moved me and put his hand on my ass.
Great I was only a little uncomfortable.
Soon after that we got to our cars and said goodbye. It was only ten thirty.
I got home and collapsed on my bed throughly tired.

The story of how I fucked up Where stories live. Discover now