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So. I've had two boyfriends. Fake friends. Am going into sophomore year at my ninth school. Became myself and have started to be myself no matter what.

I think I get very angry very easily and that music helps me now. I love kpop and some of my friends don't understand it and get very adamant about their dislike of the looks and things. I usually become standoffish because kpop has truly made me a slight bit more confident. I've decided I like dancing and being myself. I love myself -BTS idol

I still am boy crazy and have acknowledged that no one is gonna be as perfect as I expect. I've gone through a lot and become more knowledgeable about the world, and developed opinions that differ from my family. I still cannot say much because I am a minor but I believe that my opinions should and will be respected. No matter what. I will call people out and actively try and change their minds. See what a year has done?? Last year at the research thing I started crying right away when they made me give a speech and I didn't know what to say. Then at the math part I almost hyperventilated. This year, I got almost to the end and was praised for my development. I will keep getting better and bettering my environment.

I love you all and will update everyday possibly,
Anna-Marie Foster
P.S yes that is me

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2018 ⏰

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