Chapter 2(Water and Air... Who's the Chosen One?)

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Chapter 2 

"Father, what are you so worried about? Is this about the collection again?" Cass asked her father pitifully.  

"No my dear, this is about the Phoenix Cup. I can't afford to see someone in my tribe to die in front of me. Especially, I'm the one who will pick who will join. If he or she dies from this battle, it's my fault." King Gregory's expression is so lifeless as he answered to his daughter. 

"It's been years since I'm letting our Clan be a slave of the fire nation." He continued. "Do I have any choice? It's better to sacrifice one than to sacrifice all." He exclaimed. 

"Who did you choose then?" Cass asked. 

"Archie Braille." 

"What?! No! Archie is only twelve Father! How could you? You can't let that kid die in the arena." Cass exclaimed hesitantly. 

"There is NO OTHER CHOICE!" King Gregory shouted angrily at her. 

"What do you mean there's no other choice?" she questioned. "You can pick someone next in line that's older than-" 

"YOU are the one next in line." Her father's face paled as he said it. 

Cass couldn't say a word. She got teary-eyed because she knew this hurts his father very much. She knew and her father this time would happen. Now, her father is willing to sacrifice even the youngest possible contestant just to protect her. The thought of it just breaks her heart. She's the reason why Archie, in a very young age, will be in the verge of death. She didn't have the power to speak in front of his father anymore. Before his father can wipe the tears that's flowing from her eyes. She ran away and gone straightly in her room. She cried horribly in the corner. She doesn't know what she will do. She can't let Archie die because of her, just no. She's been waiting for this moment a long time, the time where she can finally avenge her tribe, but what about her father? She is his pride and joy. She's the only one he has. If she will be fighting to death, her father can possibly commit suicide. Cass couldn't think much further about the situation. She needs to find help and that help will be from the other tribes. 

Meanwhile, in the Air Nation, in a tiny peasant's house, Chelsea is reading her favorite books. When suddenly, there's a knock on her door. 

"Come in."  

She looked up and saw her mother came in. 

"Hey mom! Any news? Who's competing?" She asked enthusiastically.  

"They say it will be Barbara Spikes." Her mom said. 

"Great. If her competitors are guys, she will waste her time flirting with them instead of fighting." Chelsea rolled her eyes. 

"Why are you so mad about Barbara Chel?" 

"You don't know half about it."  

Chelsea had always been bullied by Barbara since they were young. Barbara always blows her hair badly before she got in school, making her look like an old hag. Barbara uses her air bending skills to tip her lunch and went splatting on her face, making her skirt blew up high so that everyone can see her underwear. Barbara did those things and much more rude things. That's why, no wonder she's quite pissed off when she heard Barbara will be the one competing. Is she really the most powerful Air bender? But, at the same time, happy because maybe she won't get out alive. 

"Very well then, fetch me some water in the well. I need some water to cook my chicken broth." Her mother ordered. 

Chelsea got out the house and carried the pail with her. The weather is quite cloudy, just like she wanted. She didn't go out much. When she finally reached the town well, she started getting water. When the pail is already half way down, the rope has been cut. She turned around and Barbara with a few of her girls.  

"Finally got out in your dungeon? I bet you got tired reading your lame books." She smiled sheepishly. 

"What do you want?" Chelsea asked irritated. 

"Heard the news that-" 

"Yeah right, I know that already. Now leave me alone." Chelsea air bended her pail back in her hands. 

She tried to walk away but Barbara air bended a large log straight to her face. She went flying and landed on a fruit stall badly. She immediately stood up and looked straight to Barbara's eyes. 

"Having fun nerdy?" Barbara managed a laugh together with her girlfriends. 

"You girls pay for this!" The fruit store vendor said angrily at them. 

While Barbara is nagging and bragging at her, heat rises on her temple. She wanted to blow up in any minute. This time, she will say that she had enough. She raised her both hands high in air, making the wind twirl harder and harder. Barbara and her friends can feel it too. Newspapers, books, wallpapers, pails, swords, steels and stalls are all whirling all around Barbara and her friends. 

"What are you doing?" Barbara said in horror. 

It's a matter of time when Barbara can't hold on and joined the whirling tornado that Chelsea had done. Her eyes are glowing blue. The roof of the well tears off and hit one of Barbara's friends that sent her flying and unconscious. Chelsea moved her palm in front of the tornado and suddenly turns it into a fist. When she did that, the tornado stopped and left Barbara fell down in the well, leaving her wet and crying because of fear. Chelsea's eyes turned normal again. All the people looked shocked all around her. She noticed that the Queen of the Air Clan itself is watching her with great interest. She knew with the look on the Queen's face, she is eyeing for her to be the chosen one instead of Barbara.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2012 ⏰

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