Chapter 2

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I feel like dying! Oh my gawd D: While writing this I got MAJOR writer's block and couldn't think of anything until it was like 3 in the morning. Yep, I stayed up late thinking..... Sorry if I forget some of the people and I don't get everyone into character like I said...

"Eren~ Eren~!" Mikasa groaned "EREN JËAGER!" She finally yelled. Eren shot up into a sitting position. "What...." he mumbled and rubbed his eyes "get your stuff and let's go!" she stood and watched the boy throw his covers off. "I'll be down stairs so hurry up, I don't feel like waiting a thousand years for your ass..." she mumbled and left the room.

Eren nodded, doing as he was told quickly after she left. He frowned and stood staring at the floor.

"Mikasa, what do I need?" he asked running down the steps.  "I don't know, ask Armin," she muttered, shoving food in her mouth "OK" he mumbled and headed back upstairs.

He couldn't wait,  but he was scared. His emotions made his heart pound hard against his chest. Levi's going! He thought, getting more excited than he was before. He grabbed his phone and drew the pattern to unlock it.


What? O.o

What do I need for the sleepover???

Um... Anything I guess... It doesn't matter to me. You could bring some pajamas, I'm pretty sure everyone will,  you can bring snacks, movies, games, electronics, etc. etc.

Okay!! Mikasa and I will be over there soon!  Btw... who's already there?

No one yet, why?

Just wondering

Eren frowned, what of he doesn't go, he thought, I'll be SO disappointed! "Eren!"

The female voice broke him from his thoughts and he shook his head, replying, "Yeah?" "Hurry the hell up!! I already told you that I wasn't waiting a thousand years for you to get ready!" Eren let out a soft chuckle and smiled " Okay, okay, just give me a sec" he grabbed a lot of things from movies, games, electronics, and he decided not to bring his own snacks, he knew Armin to well. He would have snacks already out for everyone, some more movies, most likely dramas, and some videogames, just incase they didn't bring their own. He smiled softly at the photo of him and Armin sitting on his dresser. "Oh my god, Eren! If I have to tell you to hurry up again, I'm going to beat you!" "OKAY! GIVE ME A SEC JEEZ!!" he growled. "You said that last time and you're still taking your time" Eren shook his head and grabbed his things, putting them into a bag hurriedly. 


"We're here~" Mikasa pushed open the double doors, managing to smack Armin's reading glasses off his face in the process. "Ow..." he mumbled, rubbing his face then grabbing his glasses from the floor. "A 'sorry' would've been nice, Mikasa" Eren slapped the back of her head only to receive a punch in the arm. "Nah man, he'll be alright..." "I can tell you're hyper at the moment..." Armin sighed and continued, "you're normally never like this. Its surprising" Eren nodded in agreement "Pfft, I'm not hyper, I'm just happy to be here! I'm actually hoping the others won't come" she smiled and walked ahead. 

It hadn't been 30 minutes until a black, fancy-looking car pulled into the driveway. Two males stepped out on each side and a small female came out from the back. Petra, Erwin, and.... LEVI! 

Eren felt as if his heart exploded. He didn't expect Levi to come, nor did he expect Erwin. They walked towards the door slowly, having a conversation about 'how boring' it would be. They have never been to one of Armin's sleepovers have they? Eren sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, annoyed with how close Petra was to Levi. He liked the girl a lot, but only as a friend, no more than just friends. But if she got any closer to Levi he'd have to murder someone. 

"Eren?" He heard a shy girl's voice say "Oh, hey, Petra..." he mumbled looking away from her golden yellow eyes. She smiled and plopped down next to the brunette, "hey, glad you're here!" she smiled shyly and looked at the young blonde boy who had let out a small sigh. "Hey guys, and Petra!" Armin smiled directly at Erwin "hey, Armin" Erwin smiled back and dropped his and Levi's bags next to the closed doors. "Hello, Levi..." Mikasa glared at the short male "hey..." he made no eye contact, but Mikasa knew he wasn't happy to see her either. Before things erupted into chaos Eren said something. "Erwin! I didn't think you'd come" he grinned at his response "well, I didn't want to upset Armin by not coming to his sleepover and Levi ordered me to come anyway" Levi nodded and added, "if he didn't then I would probably be bored..." "But, weren't you two say that this sleepover would—" Levi glared at Petra before she could finish her sentence and she took that as a warning and shut her mouth immediately. "What was that?" Armin looked at her, a confused look on his face. Petra shook her head and smiled weakly adding, "nothing, forget about it." "Oh... ok? Anyways! Who else do we need?" Armin walked away with his finger tapping his bottom lip. 

"Strange boy" Erwin sighed with a small smile appearing on his face. "You haven't seen strange yet..." Mikasa muttered leaning against the arm of the couch. "Mikasa, I often wonder what strange means to you" Levi scoffed, taking a seat next to the tall blonde male. Mikasa glared daggers at him and replied, "Well, Levi, sometimes I wonder what kindness means to you" "Tch... I don't even know what that word means..." he leaned back and crossed his legs. "Um... Hey?" Jean dropped his bags, Marco joining him in the doorway. "MARCO AND JEAN!" Armin appeared in the living room. Great... Jean, Eren sighed and tried to smile. "Oh," Armin looked at the pile of bags next to the door "let me get those for you guys" he leaned down and grabbed Eren's and Mikasa's bags. "Thank you!" Eren called after him and a muffled, "you're welcome" was heard.

Mikasa wrapped an arm Eren's neck and jerked him close to her chest. "You're so kind" Levi grunted and stood, stretching. "Erwin, come with me real quick" he muttered, turning to face the blonde. He nodded and stood as well.

The two walked back out to their car. 

"Wonder what they're doing" Eren mumbled, looking through the window as best he could. His sister still had hold of his neck and it made it hard for him to turn his head. Obviously. "Mikasa, your arm" he patted her arm softly. "Oh, sorry!" she let him go and pulled her arm back "thanks" she smiled at her oh-so-kind brother. 

A few minutes of silence and staring out the window later, Erwin and Levi returned. "What did you guys do?" Petra looked between the two, a confused smile on her face "none of your business" Levi muttered, again, taking his seat on the couch. Eren smiled at the feeling of Levi's arm being pressed against his own. "Petra scoot over a bit" Mikasa glared at the contact the two were making. I don't care if you're like that or not Eren, I will not have you anywhere near that boy... Mikasa thought while everyone on the couch shifted and got comfortable. "Um, Mikasa?" Eren waved a hand in front of her face "oh! Sorry!" she shook her head to clear her thoughts of wanting to murder Levi. "Its fine. What were you thinking about?" Eren asked "oh, nothing that you'd be too happy to know about" she smiled, waving a hand to dismiss the subject. "Oh- Armin! What took so long?" Armin smiled and shook his head "I was just sorting out roommates for everyone."

Eren's heart felt as if it had dropped. "Oh... who did we get?" "Wait until everyone is here, then I'll tell you" he smiled and squeezed himself in between Mikasa and Eren. 

Hurry and get here you guys... Eren thought, staring down at his hands.

I didn't write this xD I was to lazy to and had my best friend's girlfriend write it for me :D THANK YOU GURRRLL x3 And she might just like finish writing the rest of this book for you fan girls so yeah... hope you enjoyed this chapter that I have not read :3

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