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The moon was high in the sky. It was a full moon. The silent sound of crickets echoed around the house. The sky was so dark it looked black.

Momo's POV

I lay my suitcase on the floor right beside my bed. The bed was unnecessarily tall, creating a big gap between the floor and the bottom of the bed. One of my childhood fears was monsters under the bed. I extinguished that fear long ago, but I'm afraid it may be creeping back.

I began to wonder if my house was soundproof. I mean, I could literally hear nothing. Besides some crickets, I could hear a pin drop.

I reached for my phone - maybe some music would lighten up the mood.

I unlocked my phone. I had left it while I was on instagram, and now it said there was 'no connection'. Great, bad service.

Luckily, I had a music library which could be accessed without a connection. I put my playlist on shuffle and set my phone on the bedside table; it looked very vintage.

Normally I'd like vintage items, but everything in this house just looked scary. The table was lined with a flowery design, coated in dust. It was chocolate brown.

'BANG BANG BANG!' I danced along to Bigbang's song whilst swinging my arm back and forth. With my other hand, I took my clothes and toiletries out of my bag.


The music stopped. I paused for a second, the eerie silence devouring me yet again. I stood up and look at my phone. It was placed with my screen facing down. How could anything have paused the music?

I shrug off any unwanted thoughts and hesitantly pressed the play button, continuing the song and unpacked as before.

Jungkook's POV


Wow, this girl's got some pretty good taste in music. Whilst she wasn't looking, I flew over to her phone and checked her playlist.

Bang Bang Bang, Fantastic Baby, Call Me Baby, I Need u, and so on. We should party together sometime!

Well, I'm a ghost, so I guess that's never going to happen. But...oh yeah! I have a job to do! Right...

I pressed the pause button and hurriedly placed her phone in the same position as before. Now al I have to do is wait for a reaction.

I rubbed my hands together with an evil yet derpy look plastered onto my face. I observed her looking at her phone. Her face was quite monotone though.

She just played the music again and continued as before. Is she not even scared??

Momo's POV

After I was done unpacking, I stood up and brushed my hand together. Satisfaction sunk in as I saw that my bag was empty and everything was sorted into its rightful place.

Suddenly, my tummy growled. I held it and frowned. I have no food.

Next thing I knew, I found myself walking down the street whilst searching for a convenience store. I know I saw one when I was going to my house earlier.

I hugged myself tighter, trying to create more warmth. The wind tonight seemed unforgiving. It howled violently, constantly slapping me in the face. I shivered.

My face was the only part where my skin was exposed, which is why I probably felt the most wind there. My pace sped up as I was suddenly more eager to reach the store.

A white light appeared in the distance. It was shaped like a circle. Red light scribbled in the middle. '7 eleven'. I grinned and jogged over.

Jungkook's POV

I followed the girl. I had no idea where she was going, but I mean, it's my job to follow her right?

It wasn't that cold. Not enough wind.

I knew what to do. I approached her and began blowing onto her face, making sure to add some scary wind sound effects. Kind of like whenever I want my soup to cool down. Except I was doing it to a person's face.

She began to speed up, and I could see her face shaking.

We ended up at a convenience store. You know what? I was actually feeling quite hungry. I could always go back to my world for lunchtime but the food at the cafeteria sucks. Human food is much more appetizing.

We entered the store and the bell rang. Twice. Yeah, the cashier looked pretty creeped out since only one person walked in. I waved and smiled at him. Of course he couldn't see me, but, manners matter.

Rows of packaged food and bread and drinks and more food and candy and oh my god I'm so hungry lined the walls of the store. I saw her pick out some foods.

Jokbal, Fried Chicken, Bread Bun. Man, why isn't she picking anything good? I looked around and found some nacho chips. Yes!

I headed over and knocked one off the shelf. The girl jerked her head towards my aisle. She stared at the chips on the ground and looked around to see whether there was anyone else. She was the only one in the store. Well, besides the cashier.

She picked it up and placed it back on the shelf. Slowly. Yes! She's reconsidering her choices.

After a few seconds she shook her head and took the next pack and placed the one that fell back onto the shelf. I smirked, knowing I'd have a full stomach that night.

Momo's POV

I made my way to the counter after getting everything I needed. Normally I wouldn't buy chips, but for some reason, that one was calling out to me. I just needed to get it.

I placed everything on the counter and the man began scanning everything. Without looking up, he asked me, 'You look cold. Don't wanna buy a scarf?'

'It's okay,' I smiled, refusing the offer, 'It seems to be the coldest day of the month right now.'

'Actually, it's the highest temperature we've had all winter.' He replied, pushing buttons on the machine.

I was surprised, though. It was freezing on my way here. It was quite warm at my house though. Or maybe that's because I was in a house?

'Uhh...hello?' The man waved his hand in my face. I didn't realize I'd drifted off. 'Thanks for shopping with us.' He said.

'Oh...thanks.' I replied, looking outside. Why was it so cold before?

thanks for reading :) and happy jungkook day!!!!

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