The very first day

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  Who would have known that I wouldn't see his again, at least I didn't I always thought he'd be with me forever you know. This is a story of how my life change forever.

Once upon a sun (this ain't no fairy tale) when I Mia Swan was five I was playing in the sand in kindergarten when two mean boys come up to me and destroy my castle, and put me down. Then they started laughing, I started crying and then my hero showed up.....Loolz ikr silly. His name was Eric Rickmen he stood in front of me ,back facing me and looked up it the two bullies, who was in deed taller and other.

He said: why do you guys decide to bully a girl, you like her or something?

Bully 1 said: what are you blind, look how ugly she is.

Bully 2 said: yeah! (He always agrees to everything bully 1 said).

Eric: so why not just leave her then?

Bully 1: cause it's hard to resist such an ugly girl, no body wants to be friends with her!

Then the both laugh. I was scared not only for myself but for this poor little boy that decided to help sweet. Next thing I know they pushed him down too and called him a weener, then ran off.

Eric: Aww...are you ok little girl?

Mia:Am not little, but am ok....umm...thank you...for.....THANK YOU FOR SAVING ME!

Eric: hehe. Am not deaf you know. My name is Eric Rickmen what's yours?

Mia:M...My....My name is Mia...Mia Swan.

Eric: wow that's a pretty name.

Mia: Re....Really!

Eric: yep. Let's be friends.....and become best friends forever so I can protect you ok?

Mia: =_=  ok!

And that's how we became friends.


Years have passed by since then we're in high school now.

Bing bong, bing bong, bing bong, bing bong.

Mia: Oh my gosh if you ring that doorbell one more time....I'll break. Your. Fingers.

Eric: ok ok ok calm down you ready, let's go don't wanna be late.  Morning mrs. Swan, morning mr. Swan!

Both parents: morning.

Mrs. Swan: Eric you had breakfast?

Eric: yes mam sure did.

Mrs.Swan! Ok good.

My mom and Eric's parents became friends after we became friends,Up until now.Eric's dad been in and out of the hospital for the pass three year now, he had a genetic coronary artery disease(CAD) They've treating  him for years until his heart gave out. Since it was genetic Eric had to do check up to see if He had it too. Thankfully he didn't, his mom was so worried that she was gonna loose her son too, I was afraid too. What a relief I didn't have to worry about that. His mom been in morning since the death of her husband,it's been 3 months since the funeral. Eric's been strong for his mom, since he's now the man of the house.

It's our second year in high school, I was excited to go back Because he was there.

Eric: Aren't you excited.

Mia: what! not!

Eric: ahah.... so you are excited to see that jerk.

Mia: He's not a jerk.

Eric: you've had a crush on him since last year, plus am on the same team with him so I know. He is a jerk, he plays girl all the time.

Mia: you just don't like him, but you'll see he's a good guy.

Eric: (roll eyes) yeah right.

Ever since his dad died he had a wake up call he's more outing than ever he plays football (🏈 ), he's the designated pass rusher(RDE) while the guy I like is a quarterback, he so dreamy and sweet how does Eric not like him.

Class was now in session and apparently we have a new English teacher worst than before, but am a reader so what I don't know Eric and I would search up. He have to keep his grades up and so do I, so we can can go to the same college.

Mia: man class was drown out today.

Eric: it sure did, anyway you coming to watch my practice today?

Mia: yeah of course!

Eric: smile. Ok. See you after school.

We don't have all our classes together, the days when we parted are the days when am alone, I never tried looking for any other friends I was never good at it. So I just stayed by my self and study until class starts.

I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and this is the moment my life changes a little, it's not the major change.

Mia: oof.  Aww.

Just great I fell on my arse, just what I need did I walk to a wall or something? Then I look up those eyes that catches my head on fire,The butterflies in my stomach, the one that makes my heart beat out of rhythm.....holy mother of all cows, it's......

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