you're not going to mace me?

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Chapter Nine

"So I'm leaving tomorrow." I spoke softly, emerging from the bathroom. Luke looked up from his phone, a frown etching onto his features. 

He nodded sadly, locking his phone and sticking in his back pocket. "I know, I don't want to talk about it." 

Instead of replying, I crawled into my bed and faceplanted into the many pillows. "I don't know what to do when I get home." 

"Skype me, maybe." Luke suggested, plopping down on the bed next to me. 

"Oh, so now you can Skype." I joked, poking his chest. He smiled and kissed my forehead before pulling me into him. "How did you feel when Nev walked into your meet and greet?" 

"Honestly?" he asked, I nodded. "I thought I shit myself. My stomach flipped and my hands got all clammy because why else would Nev be here unless it had to do with you? And then he said you were just right outside and I literally had to be held back by Calum because I was about to run out there and attack you. My god Shanley, when you walked in behind Nev all I could think about was how tiny you were. All I wanted to do was pick you up and hold you like a monkey baby." 

"I love being compared to monkey babies." I giggled, playing with his fingers. 

"Shanley, I don't think you even understand how much I love you. I hate that I lied to you but I was just so self conscious and I was just starting to get famous, I didn't want you using me-"

"Why would I use you? Luke, all I want is for someone like you to come along and sweep me off my feet. I'm a total sucker for cheesy relationships." 

"I love you so much my heart actually hurts. And it sucks that I can't kiss you-"

"Who says you can't kiss me?" I interrupted him. His eyes grew noticeably wider by my comment and it wasn't a secret that his eyes would flicker down to my lips every second or so. "No one is stopping you, Luke." 

 "You're not going to mace me?" 

"No you dumbass." I laughed. 

"So you're saying I can kiss you?" 

"Oh for the love of god." I groaned, leaning forward and attaching my lips to his. His hand reached up to cup my face as he pressed his lips harder against my own. Our lips began moving together, my mouth capturing his. Luke would pull away and lean back in again only to tease me by only brushing his bottom lip against mine. 

His tongue poked out of his mouth, slightly running across my bottom lip. I've only kissed a boy once before, that being when I was 13, so this moment was almost completely foreign to me yet I loved it, every damn second. I mushed our lips back together, annoyed that all this boy liked to do was tease me. 

I hadn't even noticed that my own hands were tugging the strands of hair at the base of his neck, causing him to moan softly into my mouth. 

It was true what I said earlier. Luke made me feel different than Matthew did, right at the bottom of my stomach. But I was completely new to this feeling, so I really surprised myself when I grounded my hips into his. 

"Do that one more fucking time and I won't be able to stop myself." 

I smiled against his mouth, choosing not to repeat my previous actions. It was too early for any frickle frackling to occur. My lips were obviously swollen at this point and I was getting light headed from the lack of air. I don't know how they kiss for so long in movies, like I'm panting. 

Dude, I'm so out of shape. 

I pulled away, my eyes still closed as I puffed out gusts of breath. Slowly opening my eyes, I was met with a cheeky Luke. 

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