Request (ForeverYoung167)

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"She's innocent. She's of mixed blood too." Emmett and Jasper are guarding you like a some new prize. You can feel eyes burning into your body as people stare at you. Everyone is staring, but one particular red eyed Volturi member is eating you alive with his eyes.

"What is her name?" Aro calls out and Emmett's body comes closer to yours.

"It's not important." Carlisle stated. He instantly drops to his knees in pain and you can see Jane's eyes burning into him.

"Stop!" You yell and put yourself in front of Carlisle. Having the trait you have, you are able to absorb the pain coming to Carlisle and feel it yourself. Carlisle can stand, but you fall to your knees.

"Leave her be!" The Volturi member who was eyeing you early yells. Jane stops and turns to him. He doesn't look back, he looks straight at you. You regain yourself and try not to stare to hard at his beautiful paleness.

His red eyes show that he drinks human blood, but that doesn't mean his bad, does it?

"What is your name?" He ask moving closer to you. He almost appears to be floating on air.

"Y/N." You manage to choke out between amazement from his beauty.

"I'm Alec. I'm going to make this very clear," you're expecting some loving kiss since he's so close, "you're going to come with us, or everyone dies."

"Bella's a shield."

"But can she protect all of you."

Before you can stop them, one of the Volturi have Renesmee in a deadly choke hold.

"It's your choice." Alec states with a smirk. "Are you coming or not?"

You nod, not being able to say much else. The Cullen family looks on in shock. Alec grabs your wrist and does something you'd never expect.

He runs a hand though your long, wavy hair.

"We'll let her go." He whispered genuinely and takes a step back from you. This situation is a complete shock to you and you're unable to do anything but smile like a goofy idiot.

"Don't worry, we'll have fun." He whispers and takes your hand. How can someone so cruel be so, nice?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2014 ⏰

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