Chapter Twelve: Krystal

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I stood in the debris of my home, silent tears running down my face. I looked around at our small group huddled around what used to be a house full of people. I knelt down, burying my face in my hands. I let the tears run down my face freely, ugly sobs causing me to shake. I felt a hand on my shoulder, and leaned against my mom's soothing touch. I've lost too many, and Spirit is getting to be too much. I fell fully onto my knees, screaming into my palms. The heartache made me want to claw at my chest, and that's exactly what I did. My mom pulled my hands around, holding them in a death grip. I couldn't see her through the blurry vision my tears caused. I could see the tears drying to her face, and that little detail made me stronger. It made me realize my parents and other loved ones were hurting just as deeply as I was. I stood up, put on a strong facade, and turned away from the lifeless body laying at my feet. I loved him, but so did others. And I have to be strong for them... for him.

I tried to keep my eyes off the ground, away from the bodies, but failed miserably. My eyes travelled down from the burned walls, decorated with blood, to the floor, also decorated with blood. Bodies were strewn across the house, some laying on top of each other. Tears began to well up in my eyes once more when my sights landed on Rachel. Rachel, a beautiful soul... an expectant mom... was on her side, blood dripping from her throat and her arms encircled around her stomach in a protective gesture. Her eyes were wide open, fear evident even in death. I got down on my knees, pushing her eyelids down and trailing my fingers along her dried tears. I felt her soul in that moment, and it gave me hope. I could bring her back...


I could bring Erik back. I just had to hold his spirit here a little longer.

I stood up and rushed over to Erik, frantic. Dropping to my knees, I hovered over his body with, what I suspected to be, a crazy and desperate look on my face. I looked up towards the ceiling, beckoning his soul back. This had to work... it had to. It was almost as if his soul was struggling with me. I made progress, healing his body and beckoning his soul closer, but he wasn't budging any further than that. The struggle became painful and I screamed out in agony. My vision started to fade, and I distantly heard myself shouting "please" desperately. I felt hands pull my away from his body, from his soul. It was as if our connection was a rubber band that was stretched too far. It snapped.

Whoever had pulled me away, restrained my twitching body with their muscled arms. I looked behind me, barely able to make out my dad's face through the tears. I was pulled against his chest as we sat on the floor. I didn't mean to lash out at him, but I did. I felt like I had lost control of my body and this was spirit truly taking over. I feared this was it for me as well as I clawed and punched and kicked him repeatedly, my body spazzing out. His words were muffled by my insanity. Soon, all I could feel was numbness and heard nothing but silence. It was peaceful, and I wondered why I had been so afraid to reach this point. This point is... is being released from Spirit, from death and darkness and pain...

The fire illuminated Erik's face in a haunted way. I stood, staring numbly as body after body was brought out into the darkness. I tugged on my oversized jacket that someone had managed to recover from the fire. My dad was helping to carry out the dead bodies while mom stood on the sidelines with me, holding my hand. I couldn't imagine what she's going through. One child left. I gave a humourless laugh at how fucked up everything is. My parents went through hell to end up together, were blessed with what they thought they couldn't have, only to have it all ripped away. My mom almost died giving birth to us miracle children, my dad almost died trying to save us from a mission we never should have gone on, and they are rewarded with a Strigoi daughter, a crazy spirit using daughter and a dead son. Uncle Christian was consumed by fire, his own element. Uncle Adrian lost his hand trying to protect his sons. Erik died trying to protect me, and I couldn't even bring him back. Khatrina has been a good and loving person all her life, and ended up a Strigoi. And somehow the trouble making, crazy one was the last one standing.

Ashley came up beside me, holding Analisa's hand. Sandraya and Andre followed soon after both standing behind the girls and me. Andre rested his hand on my hip, resting his forehead on my shoulder. I closed my eyes, shedding a silent tear.

"It's so unfair," he whispered against my skin, his voice shaking. Shivers went down my spine, and it wasn't just because of his contact.

I leaned my head against his. "I know," was all I said. And yet, it was enough.

We all stood in silence, a sob erupting every now and then, as we watched our loved ones being buried. Erik was the fifth to go in the ground. Even from here I could see my dad crying. I knew mom wanted to comfort him, but she stayed, not wanting to have me out of her sight. Uncle Christian was the tenth. Rachel was fifteenth. Marissa was the thirtieth. After the sixtieth, my legs began to get tired. I leaned heavily against Andre, who was tired as well.

"You two go and get some sleep. We've set up some makeshift beds out front," my mom told us. "Sandraya, I think the girls need to get some sleep."

We all nodded, our eyelids drooping. Sandraya lifted Analisa onto her hip, and held Ashley's hand. Andre and I fell behind, mainly because I didn't have enough energy to walk. He swiftly brought me into his arms, and I cuddled into his chest. Before I knew it, sobs were taking over my body. Andre walked faster, telling me he was trying to find a semi-secluded place. It felt like minutes, but it had to be more since everyone was trying to do the same. He set me on the ground where a sheet, blanket and pillow were placed. He laid down beside me, bringing the blanket over our bodies.

"Are you okay?" Andre asked me.

"No. But I don't think anyone is," I told him, snuggling closer. "What is it like?" I asked him. "What is it like to have all your siblings?" He flinched.

He ran his hand over my cheek. "What is it like to have both your parents?" It was my turn to flinch.

"I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry."

"Don't be." Even with my eyes closed, I could tell he was close to tears. "I suppose you do have it worse," he said in an attempt to joke.

"I suppose so," I joked back. "Where do you think we go from here?" I asked in all seriousness.

I felt him shrug. "We find a new place, I guess. It's what we've always done." I nodded and yawned. "Get some sleep, Krys. I love you."

"Mhm," I mumbled with a smirk on my face.

The darkness--the good kind-- took over, submerging me in a dreamless sleep. And for that I was thankful.

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