Chapter Two

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We must’ve been talking for ages because before we knew it we heard “KIDS, DINNER’S READY!” Luke and I got up and walked downstairs. We walked past the lounge room where Beau and Jai were playing fifa.  They got up and introduced themselves.  “Hey, I’m Beau.” He smiled and waited awkwardly for Jai to introduce himself. “Oh yeah, and I’m Jai.” We all made our way to the kitchen. “Smells great mum”, Luke said and smiled cutely. Beau and Jai shoved him “Suck up” they mumbled under their breath. I couldn’t help but giggle just a little. “So love, where are you going to school?” Gina questioned and smiled politely. “Uhh, Penola. I start tomorrow” Luke’s eye brows rose as soon as I answered, but in a good way.  “Jai and Luke go there, I’m sure they’ll be able to show you around” Gina said, comforting me and easing the nerves. When it was time to leave we thanked Gina for cooking and inviting us over. I said goodbye to each of the boys, I said bye to Luke he pulled me close and hugged me. That night was one of the best nights of my life!

“SERENA GET UP!” I hated waking up to the noise of my mum yelling at me. But I guess she didn’t want me to be late, seeing as though it was my first day. I got ready, I put my hair up in a messy bun and applied minimal makeup. I walked downstairs and kissed my mum goodbye. I walked outside to find Luke leaning against the gate waiting for me. “Hey” I said walking upto him. “What took you so long?” He teased. I just scrunched my nose and just starting walking to school assuming he would follow. But he just stood there as if he was offended. I turned and asked “What’s the matter?”. He just walked up to me and took my hand, and like a jig saw puzzle his fingers fit perfectly between mine. Normally it would’ve been weird holding someone’s hand that I just met yesterday, but I just felt completely safe with Luke.

When I got to my locker I unpacked all my books, I gathered what I needed for the morning. I closed my locker door and made my way down to class, I walked pass Luke but I don’t think he realised. Suddenly I felt that someone had linked our arms. It was Luke “Oh my gosh! I thought you were a random!” I said still catching my breath from the shock. “Don’t worry I’ll protect you” he smiled. “Um, do you mind if you tell me where Mr. Daniel’s class is, for English?” I asked worried that I wouldn’t find my way to class. He showed me the way we talked outside the classroom for a while but then he had to get to class, I don’t know but I think I kinda felt sad when he left…

Although I wasn’t sad for long, when English was over (thank gosh!) I had my next class with Luke, we had society and environment together, I was quite smart and I think Luke Picked up on that because whenever I was asked to answer a question, after I said the answer I looked back at Luke to find the same result. Eyebrows raised and jaw dropped.

We had a most of our classes together, I couldn’t wait!

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