Warren X Female Reader (Credit: Me)

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You are Nathan Prescott's younger sister. Saying that he has always been protective of you. On breaks between classes, he stopped you in the hall and checked on you. He constantly texted you too. He never let anyone he didn't trust hang around you with him in the area.

You were basically the girl version of Nathan. You acted the same, wore almost the same clothes, had the same phone, and played the same games. The only thing different about you two was that you liked Warren. You never told Nathan or anyone about it because you knew that Nathan would be mad and prevent you from seeing him.

One day, in science class, you noticed that a nerd, Warren was looking at you a lot. It was kinda cute. "What the fuck is his problem?" you ask yourself mentally. After class, you go out to see Nathan, who was waiting for you.

"Hey (Y\N)! Where are you going? Are you OK?"

"I'm fine. I'm heading to my dorm, that's all."

"Okay. Call or text me if you need anything."

"I will, bye!"

"Bye," Nathan says as he walks off.

You walk to your dorm, seeing a few people which you ignore. When you get there, you grab your jacket, which you forgot, and wrap it around your waist. You lock the door and head out. You start to walk to the mall when you see Warren behind a tree.  You want to tell him that you can see him, but you don't. "Probably being his nerdy fucking self." You thought as you continued walking.

When you get to the mall, you get a pair of shoes, two new outfits, and some iced coffee. You see Warren looking over at you from across the food court.  It was like he was following you. "What the fuck?" You think, as you get up and start to walk to the front. You called Nathan, asking for a ride because you didn't want to walk the whole way back.

A few minutes later, Nathan came to pick you up in his truck. You put the shopping bags in the back, and get into the passenger side. You both greet each other, smiling. The ride was quiet for about thirty seconds before Nathan started some conversation.

"So. How was shopping?" He asked you.
"Um... Alright." You say.
"What's wrong?" He asks obviously concerned.
"I saw Warren behind a tree on my way there, and I saw him in the mall." You explain.
"Okay." He says, obviously wanting to beat him up.


The next morning, you wake up, get dressed, then you notice that your hairbrush was gone. "Dammit." You curse quietly to yourself as you look around for it. Eventually, you realize that it was missing, and you started to comb your hair out. When you glance out your window, you see Warren looking at you. You want to go over and hug him and ask him why he was following you. Instead, you stick up the middle finger at him, then leave your dorm room.

You meet up with Nathan and walk to class together. You talk with him on the way over but didn't mention that your hairbrush was missing just this morning. sit down and see Warren again. He was looking at you. You were getting annoyed and wanted to know his reasons for always looking at you and following you, so you go over to him.

" What the fuck is your problem?" You ask him, annoyed.
"W-What do you mean?" He asks nervously, a nervous blush on his cheeks.
"You know exactly what I mean. You've been stalking me. I've seen you a lot." You say.
"Um... I'll explain everything later. Meet me in the parking lot after school." He says.
"Fine." You say, walking back to your seat. You pretended to act angry, putting on some music and putting your earbuds in until class started. When the class did start, you didn't really pay attention much. You doodled in your notebook, making it look like you were writing down notes.

You saw Warren looking over at you quite a bit, and you glared at him the last few times. You didn't mean to be so mean, but you were quite a bit annoyed at him.


After school, you see Nathan and talk for a bit. You lie and say that you're going into town for a bit. As soon as you get into the parking lot, you see Warren standing in front of his car. He was looking around for you, smiling and blushing faintly as he saw you.

"What do you want?" You ask Warren.

"So... I really like you and I think we should be together."

"What the fuck gave you that idea?" You ask.

"Well, you're really cute and-"

"Just kidding! Of course, I'll be your girlfriend." You say.

"Really?" He asks.

"Yes! Of course. We have to keep it a secret from Nathan though." You say.

"OK. So, want to go get smoothies at the mall or something?" He asks you.

"Yeah. I'm up for that." You say as you both get in the car. You smile softly, looking at him and blushing very faintly.

On the way to get the smoothies, Warren didn't really talk much. He smiled back and glanced at you every so often, blushing as well. When you two got there, you got your order and he got his. You both picked a table that was near the entrance to the mall. You both finished your smoothies rather quickly, occasionally saying something and talking to each other.

When it was time to go, you got up and held his hand as you walked. He was blushing quite a lot and looked away nervously. You stopped suddenly, pulling him in for a hug. He hugged back, smiling a lot.  You suddenly pulled away, only to bring him in again for a kiss. He blushed even more, holding you close. You both stayed like that for a while until you needed to pull away for air.

"Thank you." You say, smiling and blushing quite a bit.

"No problem." He says, smiling as well.

***THE END***

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