Max X Male Reader (Credit: the-original_heritic)

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A/N: SPECIAL Thank you to @the-original_heritic for suggesting this!

Request: Max X male reader where they've been dating and reader wants to give her a photo for her birthday. Something special, but he can't figure out what. Then, with Chloe's help he gets a perfect photo of him and Max without even knowing.

(Y/NN) is short for your nickname.


September 21, Max's birthday, was almost here. It was the day before.  You were sitting on your bed thinking about what to get your girlfriend. You wanted to get her something that she would like, yet was in your budget. You thought about going to Nathan to ask him for something expensive, but you knew that he would NEVER EVER agree to help you or Max. Instead, you walk to Chloe's house to ask her about what Max would want.

When you knock on the door, you hear footsteps running down the stairs. Chloe opens the door with Max standing behind her.

"Hey girls!" You say.

"Oh! Hey (Y/N)." Chloe says.

"Hey! (Y/NN)!" Max says, smiling.

"Wanna hang with us? We were going into town to grab something at the diner." Chloe asks.

"Yeah. Sure. I have nothing else to do today." You say.

You all file in the car. You and Max kept exchanging looks the whole way there. When you got there, Max stays in the car to answer a few phone calls she missed. She sends you two in to get a table.

"Hey, Chloe?" You ask when you sit down.

"Yeah (Y/N)?" Chloe responds.

"So... Max's birthday is coming up soon. I want to get her something that is meaningful, but I don't know what. Since you're her best friend, I thought that you might know what." You say.

"Yeah! I got an idea. I know she likes photography, so you should give her a picture." Chloe says.

"Okay. But, of what?" You ask.

"Well, I can get one of you two. I'm pretty sure that she'd love that." Chloe says.

" I just happen to know a movie that I know Max has been dying to see. It's in the park at 7:00 pm today." Chloe says.

"Nice. I can take her. We can stop over at Blackwell to drop her and I off, you'll wait in the parking lot, and I can get my camera." You explain.

"Sounds like a plan." Chloe agrees.

When Max comes back, you, her , and Chloe order.

After you're finished eating, you all file in the truck again. You talk a bit on the way back.

"Well, I have to do a few things. See you two!" Chloe calls as she pulls off.

"So... There's a show of a movie that I know you've been dying to see tonight in the park. Wanna go?" You ask as you both walk up the stairs.

"You mean Final Fantasy: Spirits within?!?! Of course I would love to go with you!" Max says, barely containing her excitement.

"Okay. It's at 7:00. We'll meet up in the parking lot at 6:30 so we can get snacks. I can get Chloe to drive us." You say.

"Sure! See you then!" Max says as she walks toward the girls dorms.

You run to your dorm room, grab your camera, and rush downstairs to the parking lot to meet Chloe.

"Here it is." You say, handing her the polaroid.

"Thanks. I'll try to get the best one I can. Do I need to pick you both up? I can." Chloe asks.

"Yeah. Was about to ask that anyways. Thanks for the help." You say.

"Thank me when this is over. See you at like 6:30." She says as she gets into her truck and drives away.


You spend the next few hours talking with your friends on the phone. You finally see that it's 6:27, and you text Max to meet in the parking lot.

When you get there, you see Max walking.

"Hey Babe!" You call from in front of Chloe's car.

"Hey (Y/NN)!" Max says as she speed walks up to hug you.

"Well, let's go! I don't want to be late!" You say, opening the door for her and getting in after her.

You both go to the convenience store, pick up some chips and soda, and set out for the park.

When  you get there, Chloe says that she'll stay behind in her car.

You put the blanket down on the hill that you walked up. When the title screen comes up, you hear a faint clicking noise in the background. You figured that it was Chloe taking the shot.

When the movie was over, you notice that Max's head was resting on your shoulder and she was asleep. You pick her up gently so you didn't wake her up. You put her in Chloe's truck, and you got in.

"We did it!" You say as you fist bump Chloe.

"Yeah. We did." Chloe says.

"Thank you SO much. Seriously." You say.

"Anytime. Anyways, here's your camera back." Chloe says as she hands it to you.

You and Chloe drive in silence until you reach the parking lot of Blackwell.

"Thanks guys!" Max says, just waking up.

"No problem." You and Chloe say in unison.

"Thanks Chloe. See you in a few days, maybe." You say, getting out of her truck.

You and Max walk back to her dorm together. You run back to your dorm trying to make it back before 12.

At exactly midnight, you text Max:




Aww. Thanks! <3


Well, what do you have planned for today?


Um... No. I plan to stay in my dorm all day.

Okay. Can I swing by around 10-ish?


Sure! See you then!


Alright. Bye!


At exactly 10, you knock on Max's dorm room door.

"Hey!" Max says as she opens the door. " Come in."

You walk in and you both sit on her bed.

"So... I got you a birthday present." You say. " I know you love your photos, so I got Chloe to take a photo of us yesterday." You say, pulling it out.

Max takes one look at the photo, and jumps into your arms.

"Thank you so much!" She says repeatedly.

You could tell she was happy. You just knew.

The rest of the day was spent partying at Chloe's house.


Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 25, 2018 ⏰

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