The Date (Part 1)

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Emma's Pov

I told Hook to take care of Henry.Then I stormed off to Rumple's shop.-Ring-."Why hello dearie." "What's up with the weather?There's something wrong about it." "That there is.I don't know what it is." "Bullshit." "Pardon me?" "You heard me." "Miss Swan why don't you go back with your pirate." "He's not my pirate and tell me what the hell is going on!" "Fine.The person-." "Wait person?" "Yes person.Can I finish." "Oh umm yeah." "The person causing this is named Elsa.She has ice powers and is very dangerous." "How dangerous?" "Worse than Zelena." "Oh.Were in trouble." "Yeah we are." "We'll look for her tomorrow Miss Swan." "Fine.See you tomorrow." "Bye." When I got outside I saw that it was worse than before.I called Henry since Hook didn't have a phone yet.-ring ring ring ring-"Hey mom." "Hey Henry where are you guys?" "Were in Grampa and Grandma's house." "oh ok I'll meet you there soon." "Ok bye,love you." "Love you too." I was walking and it was really hard cause the snow kept getting higher and higher.Then after about 5 more minutes I'm at Snow and David's apartment.-Knock knock-The door opened wide."Hey." "Hey." said Snow. I walk in and immediately spot Henry,David and Hook.I walked up to them."Hey guys." "Hey."They all said at the same time.I laughed.Then David spoke up."Do you know what's causing the snow?" "Yeah.Gold told me." "Then what is it?"Snow asked."It is not an it but a she." "Wait it's a person?"David said."Apparently yeah.Her name is Elsa and she's very powerful." "How powerful?" Snow said. "Stronger than Zelena powerful." "So we have a big problem." Henry said."Yeah."Then I looked over to Hook's direction and he was just quit.That is strange."When are going to look for her?" David asked."We are going to look for her tomorrow."Before they could ask any more questions I diss speared in the kitchen.I began making a hot Cocoa with cinnamon.When I finished I walked back there.Snow and David were discussing the plan,Henry was reading his storybook and Hook was still there quit and having a blank stare.I tapped on his shoulder."You ok?" I whispered do only Hook could hear it."Oh umm yeah.I'm fine,Swan." "If you say so." "I'll be back.Umm I'll pick you up at 8." "Wait,for what?" "Why for our date tonight." "Oh yeah.Ok see you then." "See you tonight,lass"Then he winked at me.Typical Hook.I walked over to Henry now."Hey kid which story are you reading?"He looked startled but then calmed down."Oh umm the one when Grampa and Grandma meet." "Your lying." "I'm gonna go,umm, make a cocoa with cinnamon.Then he left.With his book.Then I went over to Snow and David."Hey.What are the battle plans?" "Were going to split up into teams.Snow and I.Gold and Regina.Hook and you.Ruby is coming too.Also Granny is going to take care of Henry." "Ok." Then I go into my old room.I left some clothes there so I checked to see what I had for tonight's date.I checked in the closet.I found a black dress that reached above the knee a little bit.I put it on and it it was perfect.I put on some makeup and did my hair into curls.I put on black heels and grabbed my red coat.I walked out and Snow looked at me and wiggled her eyebrows up.I just rolled my eyes.David asked who I was seeing."Hook." "Emma,but he's a pirate." "And.People change." Snow calmed him down.Then I heard a knock.Must be Hook.When I opened the door I found Hook in modern clothes and he looked handsome as ever.I was really surprise.Hook was looked at me too.He checked out all my body and looked surprised."You look beautiful." "Thank you.You look handsome too." "Shall we leave?" "We shall."Then I said my goodbyes to Snow,David and Henry.

This night was going to be memorable.


Hoped you liked this chapter!Next chapter is going to be about their date!Hoped you enjoyed this chapter.I enjoyed writing it.Kind of.Im really tired so I'm going to go to sleep now.Goodnight!Read,commend and vote!Love you guys!



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