Would it be wrong if I killed myself?

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Hey Guys! Now I know you are probably wondering why I haven't posted a new chapter for my story "Stay here instead". But im am working on it and I also will post another A/N and it'll be a surprise! Now if you love surprises great! But if ya dont....suck it up;) Anyway ill try to post regularly on both of my stories! K? I promise!

Charlottes P.O.V


Esmeralda would not stop bugging me and constantly would try to ask me if I needed any help for my coronation. I would politely tell her "no" but she would never stop asking. Dont get me wrong! I love Esmeralda so much. She's like an older sister. And she pretty much is the only one I have left. But sometimes it feels like I want to yank her eyes out!

Right now I stared at my reflection at my mirror. Even when I look in this mirror I dont see the brave and beautiful Queen my father wanted me to be. It looked as if I was just a "fake". My skin glowed slightly but it was still pretty much pale. My hazel eyes were staring at the creature in the mirror with a hint of hopelessness. My hair which was always damp and bushy was pulled thinly into a fish-tail braid with tiny pearls poking out of them. I felt my hand clamp around the thin blue-hearted necklace and clenched it. And my dress? Thats the problem. This dress was made fpr a true Queen. Not a 12 year old! The dress was a simple white and lavender silk dress that clung to the floor but still lifted up brightly. And on top of that a long white cloak drifted in back of me. And I was barefoot as always.

I turned around from my mirror not daring to give another hideous look at the beast standing in front of me. Instead I turned to my window. I gently peeked out the window fearing the worst. And sure enough my fear was caught. Thousands and I mean thousands of people were standing outside of the castle. Some from this village, other villages, diffrent countries, and the worst some from diffrent castles!

I turned back quickly. My breathing was rapid. I couldn't dare look back out the window thinking of the ways the people would hate me once they find out im not a good ruler. And the mirrior were inside this innocent figure was a beast that would destroy this land once its mine.

The coronation started at 8:00 p.m it was barely 7:30 p.m

Wait, What?!


That means I only have 30 minutes for me to become the beast Queen? At this point I felt as if I really was in hell. Wherever that is.

My thoughts were vanished once I heard the soft tapping on my door. Esmeralda.

"Come in Esmeralda." I said weakly.

Esmeralda opened the door amd shut it gently behind her. Esmeralda did cleaned up pretty nicely as well. Her soft & sweet hair was pulled down into diffrent tiny curls which bounced every time she walked. Her old maids dress was taken off and replaced by a light green thin-strapped dress that went to her ankles. And her shoes were some casual black lace flats. She looked just like a queen. Unlike myself.

"Oh my Deary! Charlotte my love! You look absolutely beautiful, no? Look at those eyes. And zose lips. My my and zis dress was made by the finest material, yes? You look just like your mother when she was crowned Queen! " Esmeralda gushed.

"Except my mother was crowned Queen at the age of 18." I said jokingly trying to lighten the mood.

"Very." Esmeralda giggled.

It was silent for a moment. Im guessing Esmeralda felt my ease of tenshion. She reached out and stroked my cheek lightly. She looked down at my feet and I could sense she was peeved of about something.

"You ok?" I asked hoping I didnt upset her.

"Yes. Very. Except. Why aren't you wearing any shoes?" Esmeralda asked.

"Ummmm, I just didn't feel like wearing anything at the moment?" I asked unsure of myself.

"But zis is a very important day Charlotte. You have to look presentable." She asked her eyebrows furrowed.

Great. She sounded just like Mother. You see, its been 3 months since my parents died. And I was doing a fair job at forgetting them. And now its like its the funeral all over again. And about the barefoot thing. I honestly don't know why im always barefoot. I guess it was never areal point in wearing shoes. Thats just me I guess.

"Can I please just go today without wearing any? I would really set my nerves at ease. Please?" I pleaded.

Esmeralda let out a heavy sigh. She was considering her thoughts pretty well. Because 5 minutes passed and it was decided.

"Fine. Go ahead. You are zee princess and soon to be Queen." She smiled weakly.

"Thank you." I whispered giving her a hug.

5 seconds later we heard some sharp tapping on the door. I looked at Esmeralda curiously. She shrugged lightly and walked toward my door opening it. I sat myself down on my bed not caring if my dress was gonna be ruined. I peeked over Esmeraldas shoulder to see 3 men standing there with grim expression on there faces.

2 of them I recognized. One of them was Sir Felix he was the head guard of this castle and always took day and night ships. The other one was Albus Persley. Esmeraldas brother. He also worked as one of the guards and he is a famous storyteller. The other one looked to be about my age or bigger. I didn't recognize him.

"Ah! Sir Felix and me brother! What is it that you need at zis moment,mm?" Esmeralda asked.

"Ah, Esmeralda does Miss Charlotte happen to be in this room at the moment?" Sir Felix asked peeking over her shoulder.

Esmeralda motioned her hand towards me. She stepped out of the way as Felix and the unknown person stepped forward. Esmeralda went to her brother side. I stood up and slightly nodded toward them asking them to speak.

"Your highness, as very well told you were received a letter from the royal escort telling you about the coronation amd your marriage, hmmm?" He asked.

I lightly nodded my head to a yes.

"Now to make things fair to you I like to introduce you to someone. " He said indicating the unknown person next to him.

"This Charlotte, is Marcus James Sullen. He is here to represent you as his bride and future Queen." He asked brightly.

I heard Albus and Esmeralda gasped.

Holy Crap...

"My lady, it is a pleasure to finally meet you at last." Marcus whispered kissing my hand.

I smiled weakly at him.

I looked over at my dresser inside one of the cabinet is a knife for safety.

But all I wanted was to get the knife and slowly cut myself open to the point im on the ground.

~~~Keep Calm & Dont Stop Believing~~~

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