The Dance

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A/N- hey guys I just want to say thanks for 46 reads. I know it not much but it means a lot to me. Now back to are regularly scheduled programs

Amethyst POV

TODAY IS THE DAY OF THE WINTER DANCE!!!! The teachers let use out early to prepare for the dance. So me and the girls are at the hairdresser right now, getting glam doing what girls do. When a kid walks in and sees are uniforms and her face lights up. "Do you guys go to UA?" She asked with excitement. "Yes we do. Do you want to go there when you get older," I ask smiling at her. She nods her head really fast and I giggle. "Well if you want to get in you have to work really hard, ok" she smiles and nods, then she ask can we sing for her. So Me, Mina, and Uraraka started to sing.

(Pink hair=Mina
Blue hair=Uraraka)

When we finished the little girl was looking at us in aw. "I'm going to work very hard so I can get into UA just like you guys," she said and ran to her mom. "Awe what a cute kid," Momo said. "Yea she want to go to UA like us. This is why I wanted to become an idol, so I can have an impact like that on the world," I say looking at the little girl. Everyone agreed with me, but then the conversation took a turn I wasn't ready for.
"Hey Amethyst have you and Bakugo done the nasty yet?" Mina asked with no shame. Not ready for the question I choke on some air, like the weirdo I am. Once I have my composure together I say "NO!!! Why would you ask that sort of question?" "Cause you and him are really close. I just wanted to know if you got close in that way yet," she said trying not to laugh at my reaction. "I will have you know I am waiting for my wedding day to do that," I say with a pout. "I think that is a smart choice Amethyst," Momo said getting into the conversation. Then it was dropped.
After 2 hours my hair was done. I had my hair in its natural form but up with gems in it.

Hair^^Wheh all the girls were done we went to the dorms to change and do are makeup

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Wheh all the girls were done we went to the dorms to change and do are makeup. And after 3 hours of that whole project this is the conclusion.


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Makeup ^^

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Makeup ^^

I'm not going to lie I look good right now. While I was looking to make sure I had everything Katsuki texted me telling me he was ready to go and in the common room so I left. And when I got there Katsuki turned his head and saw me and his jaw dropped and he looked me up and down while a dark blush made its way to his cheeks. "You..... look....... fucking...... hot," he said with a blush. "You don't look to bad yourself," I say looking him up and down. He was wearing an all red suit with a black dress shirt and no tie and his usual spiky hair.

 He was wearing an all red suit with a black dress shirt and no tie and his usual spiky hair

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When everyone was down stairs we got into the limo All Might got us and got to the dance.
When we got there the whole gym was covered in white and blue decorations, with snowflakes hanging from the ceiling. It was very pretty but I didn't have time to admire it cause Katsuki dragged my to the dance floor and everyone followed. After an hour of dancing it was time for me and Katsuki to sing and Katsuki went first. "How are all you tonight. Well get ready to be blown a-fucking-way because you are getting a performance but not only me but my lovely girlfriend Amethyst. I hope you fucking enjoyed," after his speech he started.

When he finished the crowd cheered for him and he helped me on stage. Then I said to everyone "now wasn't that an awesome performance by the very handsome and very talented Katsuki Bakugo. Now it's my turn I hope you enjoy," after that I started singing.

When I finished the crowd went wild. "Now for our final performance we will be doing a duet that is mash up of two Christmas songs enjoy," the got Katsuki a mic and we started

When we finished we bowed and went of stage. "You guys were amazing. I really liked you song Kachan," Izuku said amazed. "I liked Amethyst's song the best it was like if Christmas and rock and roll had a baby," Denki said with a smile. I giggled and said "I liked the duet the most. It was funny singing with my little porcupine," and touched his hair. He rolled his eyes and said whatever, but deep down i know he had fun to. "I'm going to the bathroom, brb" I said and left to handle my business.
When I was getting close to the bathroom I was pulled into an empty class by Kirishima and he locked the door and turned to me with a weird look. I don't like the feeling of this at all...

Ohhhh cliffhanger. What will Kirishima do to Amethyst? Will Katsuki find out??? So many questions~Author-Chan

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