*゚+.☆。+゚Prologue *゚+.☆。+゚

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At the age of 5, you already set dreams for yourself. Just like becoming the strongest Kounichi, getting into the Konoha Ninja Academy, and making your mother proud. All those dreams didn't even include a single drop of love. Of course, why would it? At the age of 5, you always thought that you didn't need a man to love you because you're an independent woman by yourself. Oh boy, were you in for a treat. Who knew you could meet a blonde boy only once then fall in love with him at first sight. This is only the beginning after all. You guys still have a future planned together. I'll let you, the reader. Find out on your own~

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"Good morning my princess." Your mother said in a gentle voice. Despite her being the one and only Lady Tsunade Senju who is short tempered and gambles a lot. She still has a soft spot for you.

She got up smiling at your mother as she smiled back at you. Helping you get out of bed as she picked the cutest ninja clothes to put on you. "Awwwh, you are the cutest little princess ninja I have ever seen!" Your mom said while hugging you gently as you giggled in her arms. You then broke out the question that you forgot about for a little bit. "Mama Tsu are we going to see if I made it into the Academy?" you asked with sweet eyes that your mother awed even more as she broke the hug and held your hand as you broke the hug as well and held her hand back.

The two of you started walking towards the billboard of the Konoha Ninja Academy, it was crowded so of course one of the teachers noticed your mother and shouted to everyone. "Please make way for Lady Tsunade please!" he said as everyone made a pathway for you and your mother. It often felt nice at times for people to respect your mother but sometimes you felt under pressure as you thought, 'What if I didn't make it.' 'What if...' your thoughts were interrupted by your mother saying, "You made it my Princess!" she said happily as she pointed to your name on the board. (Y/N) Senju. There it was, your displayed name on the board. Everybody started clapping while whispers were all over the place. 'I knew it, the daughter of Lady Tsunade was obviously gonna make it.' and 'She was obviously gonna make it.' as you smiled happily at your mother, walking away from the billboard. You spotted a blonde haired boy looking at the billboard after you left as he turned and looked at you smiling while you smiled at him back. You continued walking off with your mother not thinking too much about the boy but about how beautiful that smile was.

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Thus, that was the start...

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