Chapter 1

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You were the sixth member of the meka squad. You were the first omega to ever pilot a meka, since many omega's never got a chance like you did. Also, you were the only omega on the team. Jae-eun, Yuna, and Hana all happened to be alphas, while Kyung-soo and Seung-Hwa were betas. Despite the rank difference the team treated you pretty well, and they didn't push you around too much which you were thankful for. Right now you were talking to Kyung-soo and Seung-Hwa along with helping them with repairs. Although two unhappy alphas were glaring in your direction.

Your POV

I handed Kyung-soo a wrench as he sat on top of his mech.

"Thanks Y/N!" He smiled down at me

"No problem!" I smiled back at him as Seung hopped of his mech

"Hey I heard there was a new arcade that opened up the other day. You two want to go check it out?" He asked already knowing the answer

"Of course!" Kyung and I answered at the same time

"Alright then let's go!" We started to walk towards the entrance when my name was called,


I turned around to see Yuna and Hana glaring at me,

"You can't go to the arcade. You still need to help us with repairs." Yuna stated

"But I've been working on them for-"

"They're not done, so it doesn't matter how long you've been working on them." Hana glared at me

"Girls come on. She's been working on repairs for twelve hours! Can't you give her a break?" Seung asked, only for the girls to glare at him

"Stay out of this beta." Both of them growled

I could tell the Seung wanted to say something but he bit his tongue,

"You guys go ahead. Perhaps we can go together another time." I responded a little saddened

"Alright. We'll catch you later." Kyung stated as he gave me a worried look

As they left I started to grow nervous as I could feel the girls' eyes on me.

"Come on." Hana growled as she grabbed my arm tightly

I whimpered a bit from the pain as Yuna followed,

"H-Hey Hana could you lighten y-your grip a little bit?" I asked smiling nervously

She didn't say anything, but she tightened her grip even more. We eventually make it to both their mechs, and Hana released my arm. I rubbed my arm as I walked over to their mechs inspecting them. It's kind of weird since Hana usually like to do her own repairs. There were a few minor scrapes on their mechs, but other than that they were fine.

"Your mechs are fine." I stepped back from their mechs and turned to them, "They really don't need any work done to them."

"Are you sure?" Yuna asked narrowing her gaze

"Yes Yuna." I sighed rolling my eyes

She growled, and I jumped before I quickly spoke,

"I-I mean yes A-alpha."


It was awkward before I cleared my throat,

"W-well I'm going to head to the arcade so..." I started to walk backwards when both alphas grabbed my arms

"You're not going." They ordered, their eyes quickly changing color as they bored into my E/C ones,

I shrank down my submissive instincts coming in,

Yandere!Alpha!D.mon x Omega!Fem!Reader x Yandere!Alpha!D.VaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora