The Dream

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Hi, everyone! This is my first post on Wattpad and I'd love to hear what you all think. Thanks for clicking! <3

Tulle cascading from a silk bodice, gold stitches dancing their way across the sleeves in loops and swirls.

Evie woke up with a gasp. It was perfect.

Quietly, so as not to awaken Mal, Evie padded across their shared bedroom to her work station and gathered the armfuls of precious materials that she would need to realize her masterpiece. Clinging to the tendrils of her dream, fingers itching to sew and measure and snip, she slipped into the hallway.

Settling into her favorite chair in the common room, she got to work. The dress practically shaped itself- it was moments like these when time and thought fell away and nothing mattered but the creation hidden in the folds of uncut fabric. A distant part of her mind was aware that she was hunched over in pajamas at 2 AM, her hair falling forwards in tangles around her makeup-less face, but she was helpless to resist the siren call of a new design. Before coming to Aurodon, she had only been able to sketch her dreams, the hollow ache of unrealized designs a constant companion. But now, with her every desire seen to per King Ben's decree, there was no idea too lavish to be actualized in its swishing, glittering glory.

When she thought back on that night in the days to come, she could not remember falling asleep. One minute she was contemplating sleeve lengths and flexing a cramp in her back, and the next she was blinking awake to another picture-perfect Auradon sunrise.

What she did remember was the next moment. Rolling over to look at her work in the fresh light of dawn, she was instead confronted with heaps of discarded material and several loose spools of thread. The dress was nowhere in sight. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2018 ⏰

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The Not-Quite Princess and the Not-Quite DressWhere stories live. Discover now