Serenity's Note (a short story)

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Note: all things in this book is fiction and will not happen in real life. This is my own story so please don't copy it. If you do not like the short story then you do not have to read it.

-----Serenity's Note-----

Once upon a time, there was a girl, her name was Serenity Parker. The kids at school always asked why her name meant calm and quiet when she was so loud and roudy at school.

One day she answered the question in a note. The note said "I was so quiet and scared at home, that if I was too loud there would be consequences. That at school I could be myself, and actually speak my mind."
At the end of the note it said " today was the day that I had enough of my torture, that today was the day, where I listen to the voices while ending them. I know that I should never result to this method, but I know it will help my pain in the end. These are my last words, I love the world but I do not like where it has taken me.
Your's truly,
Serenity Parker."

All at once the children of the classroom looked at the doors where Serenity left just moments before. All of them racing up the stairs that lead to the roof, hoping to stop her in time. The door slammed on the wall with all the children running out. There stood Serenity at the ledge facing them with a smile on her face. Within the mix of the screams of pleas for her not to do it you could hear her say 'stop' and that is what they did. She started to talk this is what she said "You all wanted the answer, I just answered it while answering my problems to. You guys should be happy I answered it. Did you guys also like my note, I spent a lot of time on it. Well never mind it's time to end my story. Just remember guys you wanted the answer I just gave you what you wanted." and as she said those words she fell down to her death with a smile on her face.

This is completely fictional it's just a thought that I had in my head if you want to see the second part let me know.
Well love all,

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