11: Eleven O'Clock Number

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Eleven O'Clock Number

author » defend

status » completed

summary » "'Eleven O'Clock Number' is a theatrical term for a big, show-stopping song that occurs late in the second act of a two-act musical. It often signifies a moment of revelation or change in heart of a lead character."

In a perfect world, Daniel Smith would still be Allison's boyfriend, and Toby Martin would retain his status as nothing but her boyfriend's best friend. But it's not a perfect world, because Daniel broke up with Allison months ago -  and to make matters worse, she's stuck with his frustratingly cheerful, ever-smiling drama geek of a best friend as her English partner for the rest of the semester. 

And Allison isn’t quite sure how she ended up sitting on Toby's couch and being forced to watch a slew of musicals with him over the next few months, but she has a distinct feeling that it isn’t going to end well.


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