Day 4 (Pop Culture): You're The One That I Want

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Thanos is officially pronounced dead. The universe is finally safe from his screwed up plans of saving it. However, the Avengers and Guardians don't walk out unscathed. They're all shaken up, especially the handful who were involved in the dusting. Especially the woman who was thrown off the cliff in exchange for the soul stone and the man who was heartbroken at the fact that he was almost forced to kill her.

So, yeah. They were pretty shaken up. However, that doesn't prevent Peter from trying to lighten the mood...her mood.

They're still on Earth, but only because their ship is being repaired. Peter takes advantage of this time, driving to a nearby general store with a sign that says Walmart in blue lettering. Tony lets him borrow one of his cars and gives him a credit card to buy anything he needs to stock his ship. Of course, Peter being Peter, he has to buy some things he didn't necessarily need.

This leads to him wandering around the store, picking up junk food, clothes, and other things that he didn't need. He eventually finds himself in the toy aisle and can't help, but look at how the toys have changed since he was a kid. There was still creepy dolls, and Barbie definitely got a new look. There are also action figures of the Avengers, and games that he used to play with his mother and grandfather all the time.

That's when he finds himself staring at something he always wanted as a kid - a karaoke machine. It's in a black box labeled iSing. He finds a clearance tag on the box, showing the price of the product to be seventy dollars. A small smirk forms upon his lips as he carefully places it in the cart and speed-walks back to the aisle he passed that had various racks with CDs. He looks for what seems like hours until he finds one that puts a large smile on a face.


"Peter, what's this all about?" Gamora asks, rolling her eyes as Peter pulls her into the living area of the hotel Tony rented out for them.

"Just trust me!" He replies with a lopsided grin. An exasperated sigh escapes Gamora's mouth as she is pulled into the middle of the room. "Close your eyes."

She does as she's told as he places a oddly-shaped object in her hand. When she hears the instrumental to her favorite Grease song, a large smile finds its way to her lips. She opens her eyes to Peter holding an identical object as he begins to sing John Travolta's part into it. Gamora mimics him as it becomes her turn to sing.

Turns out that karaoke machine was much more needed than Peter originally thought.

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