Chapter 13

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The next day, all the news channels where flooded with broadcasts on the gang's heroic save at Krei Tech Industries. 

"A massive cleanup continues today at the headquarters of Krei Tech Industries. Reports are still flooding in about a group of unidentified individuals, who prevented what could've been a major catastrophe. The whole city of San Fransokyo is asking, 'who are these heroes? and where are they now?'" 

It was a new start to a new day. Hiro, Kali, and the gang went to nerd school all together for the first time since everything was back to normal, with the twins tagging along. SFIT even got a new dean for the school, replacing Callaghan. The fair, but stern Professor Granville. 

Hiro and the Harpercop siblings came into Tadashi's old lab, looking around as there were boxes everywhere. They looked in one particular box and brought out Baymax's rocket fist they had saved after the battle. They all gave small smiles while placing their hands on the rocket fist, in remembrance of their robot friend. Hiro even did a imitation of Baymax's fist bump. "Ba-la-la-la-la"

The four teens were about to turn and leave, but noticed something in the fist. They opened the fingers to reveal the healthcare chip, their eyes soon went wide in realization.  

"Tadashi's chip" The twins gasped.  

"Baymax!" Hiro and Kali looked at each other, smiling in hope.  

With no time wasted, they got straight to work.  

A few weeks later~

"Okay, let's try this" Kali told the others. 

"I hope this works" Ann prayed. 

"Here we go" Brock said. 

"Ow?" Hiro, Kali and the twins all said questioningly and the red container opened up revealing a newly built Baymax.  

"I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion" The robot introduce himself. "Hello, Hiro. Hello, Kali. Hello, Brock and Ann" 

The four teens all gave astonished chuckles and smiled. They couldn't believe it that their friend was back, and most importantly that he remembered them. Hiro, Kali and the twins all ran up and hugged the robot, and he happily hugged them all back. Nothing could ruin this perfect moment between these five friends. 

Soon after that, Hiro went out for a walk by himself around the school grounds while enjoying the sunset. It was such a peaceful and quiet evening, until Hiro started hearing something.  

"Coo Coo! Coo Coo!" 

It sounded like... pigeon calls. 

Hiro felt like somebody was spying on him as he looked back over his shoulder briefly. He slowly, yet cautiously approached the bushes where he heard the source of the sounds coming from. That's when a black haired teen wearing a lighting bolt T-shirt popped his head out of the bushes, causing for Hiro to yelp in alarm and nearly fall back on the ground. 

"This area's not secure!" The teen warned, quickly darting his head around before grabbing Hiro's arm and quickly ran off with him somewhere. "Come on!"

They ran undetectedly past the outside field of the campus and hid between two of the buildings behind the school.  

"What's the big idea?!" Hiro asked, completely confused by this stranger. 

"Hey, hey!" The teen with the slicked up black hair cut him off. "I'll ask the questions here" 

"Who are you?" Hiro asked this mysterious stranger. 

"I don't have much time to explain" The teen in the lighting-bolt T-shirt began. "I'm from the future. My calculations have brought me here looking for you and I'm in need of your techno-genius assistance to help out in a serious cause"  

"My help?" Hiro was shocked and confused, thinking this kid was crazy. "But why me?" 

"I'll fill you in on the way" The black haired teen replied. "But right now, I need you to just come with me. The fate of the world rests on our shoulders"

"Hiro?" The gang just then called out. 

The mysterious teen suddenly hid away while Hiro looked out to see his friends at a distance. 

"Oh, hey guys" Hiro waved casually to them. 

"We're going out to Noodle Burger, you wanna come?" Wasabi offered. 

"Oh, uh..." Hiro glanced back to where the stranger was hiding, knowing he had to deal with this first since it seemed serious. "Maybe later"  

"Oh, uh, okay" Wasabi answered. 

"Who were you just talking to?" GoGo asked, trying to look behind Hiro. 

"I don't see anyone" Honey said. 

"Maybe he has an imaginary friend?" Fred suggested.  

"Nope" Hiro shook his head, chuckling nervously while trying to keep the mysterious visitor hidden from them. "Nothing to see here, guys!" 

"I'll catch up with you later" He told his friends while glancing back again to where the mysterious teen was hiding. 

"Okay" the gang shrugged their shoulders and then left. 

Hiro sighed in relief as the mysterious teenager came back out behind him. 

"That was too close to call" he mentioned, startling Hiro again. 

"That's it! You're making me look like a fool!" Hiro told the mysterious teen, feeling embarrassed by his friends. "Time travelling from the future? Fate of the world? I want proof! Show me proof"

The teen with the slicked up black hair then smirked and pressed an invisible button, revealing a small red time machine he had flown in to get here.  

"Works for me" Hiro shrugged his shoulders.  

The teen then pressed some buttons on a keypad while having Hiro climb into the time machine with him. 

"What's your name?" Hiro asked the mysterious teenager. 

The black haired teen paused and turned around, facing Hiro. "Wilbur Robinson" 

Wilbur then pressed one final button and the time machine took off into the sky with a bubble starting to form around it. 

"Whoa" Hiro was truly amazed.  

He knew this was a lot to take in, but it would be the start to his greatest adventure. But for another time.  


Later one night in the heart of San Fransokyo, Hiro was flying on Baymax, out with his friends as they were patrolling the city as a team. Hiro and Kali smirked to each other as they ran besides each other with the others. They felt a familiar presence and looked up into the night sky and could've sworn they saw Tadashi's face in a constellation of the stars. The two friends smiled, knowing that Tadashi was always watching over them and he was very proud of all of them.  

"We didn't set out to be superheroes" Hiro began narrating. "But sometimes, life doesn't go the way you planned. The good thing is, my brother wanted to help a lot of people, and that's what we're gonna do"

"Who are we?" 



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