Chapter Six: Elevator

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Chapter Six: Elevator

We finished the magazine at almost midnight and the girls decided they would just spend the night so I didn't have to drive them home. On Sunday I took them back to the building and got an electrician in. He has the power back up and running in an hour, and I spent the day sending emails and making phone calls to ensure that every branch was fully aware of what was to be done.
All of New York's printing will be split into twenty five different branches, and each branch was given an amount to print and who to ship them to.
Now on Monday with all the next editions in the mail, I drove back to the city with Caiden for work, and now Isabelle is following me with my MacBook and Caiden is on my hip for a big meeting.
I'm in a skintight black dress that goes down to an inch above my knees and pointed black heels.
When the elevator dings on the meeting floor, my heels click noisily on the tile. Heads turn at the sound and I just keep walking.
It feels weird having a baby with me but it would be weirder for Josh.
When I reach the center of the meeting room, I pull down the projector screen and hand Caiden to Isabelle, taking my MacBook from her hands.
"I would like to apologize to everyone in advance if my son cries and squeals or does whatever babies do. I know having him at work is not ideal, but I don't trust other people with my child and my husband can't take him to his job. Is this a problem for anybody?"
Nobody makes a sound or raises their hand, so I nod and glance at Caiden, who is chewing on a teething ring.
"I would also like to seriously apologize for the stress everyone went through the past week due to the electricity. I was on a cruise in the middle of the ocean and had no reception." I hesitate. "And I'm sorry the heat is so bad in here, it's because the power just came on yesterday, and this is a large building to cool down."
I clear my throat, glancing at Caiden again before I begin.
"For those of you who are unaware, this weeks edition of Perfectly You has been written, edited, binded, and printed. It is currently being shipped. The New York branch has nothing to worry about in term of shipping until we begin shipping next week's edition." I take a deep breath. "If you guys could greatly thank our head writer, Alyssa, our head editor, Gabrielle, and my assistant Isabelle for getting it done in just a day and a half."
Everyone starts clapping and I see Caiden jump, and then his bottom lip puckers out and he starts crying.
Almost immediately everyone stops clapping.
I take him away from Isabelle and he drops his head onto my shoulder. I rub his back, bouncing him lightly.
"To everyone running the café, I am aware all the food has gone bad. A shipment will be coming sometime today." Caiden's cries slow down until they're stopped but I keep holding him anyways. "The internet has been restored, the elevator was checked out to ensure it's still safe. I probably didn't have to do that, but I don't feel like falling fifty floors in a metal box."
Everyone chuckles and I smile a little.
"Now, I know we are a little bit behind schedule for next week, but I still expect everything to be completed by the usual times. If four women can sit around one computer and write an entire forty page magazine in a day and a half, a hundred men and women should have no problem getting it done on time. I will be coming around to each floor to check on your productivity."
I pause, trying to think of anything else.
"Are their any questions?"
A couple of hands go up.
"Yes, blonde hair, what's your name?" I ask the woman.
"Jenny." She says.
I nod.
"What's your question?"
"Will we still be getting paid for last week?"
A lot of people start nodding and mumbling the same question.
"I have three kids I'm raising on my own. I can't not get paid."
I put my free hand up to signal silence.
Everyone quiets down.
"Everyone will be paid in full for last week. The power outage was nobody's fault, and it should not have gone on as long as it did. Which reminds me, accountants, nobody is to be charged for next months subscription. Even vendors who are selling our magazine. The last thing we need is to lose customers over this."
Everyone seems pleased with my response.
"Are there any more questions?" I ask.
One man raises his hand and I nod for him to speak.
"Just out of curiosity, and I'm sorry if this stresses you out, but will you be back here Monday through Friday like you were before your son was born? This place runs much smoother with you here."
Everyone begins nodding in agreement with his question.
"That's the plan yes, but life gets in the way and I'm sure more kids are in my future, my son could get sick, you know. Should something come up and I can't be here, I will find somebody to run the branch in my absence. As I'm sure you all know, I have people running other branches for me, but I would like it make it known that I will never put somebody in a permanent position to run this branch unless something serious comes up. Anything else?"
The receptionist raises her hand and I nod at her.
"This might seem weird, but a long time ago you said that nobody is allowed up to your office without your permission, and I was just wondering, what if your husband comes in? Is he exempt from that rule? Can he come in and get security tapes and information without us having to call you?"
I pause.
"Should my husband come in wanting to talk to me, he is and always will be allowed anywhere in the building without my permission. He can retrieve information without my permission, and the reason why is, if he was here to get information, he would be here to get the information for me. Of something changes, everyone will be notified." My eyes sweep around the room. "Do you guys have any other questions?"
No hands raise so I nod.
"Alright, get back to work. If you guys need any help at all, you know where to find me and how to get in contact with me."
Everyone stands up and they all file out.

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