Chapter 2

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The Insufferable Know it All

"Fred! George! Harry! Will you slow down!" I call after them as they raced around the quidditch pitch. It had been several weeks into the term and we are already best friends. Harry had managed to get on to the quidditch team which I thought was fantastic. I'm sort of on the quidditch team... Well I'm Katie Bell's sub. Oliver said he was recruiting subs for the team in-case the unthinkable happened... They got the flu! (Note the heavy sarcasm) So Fred and George immediately recommended me. I'm nothing special, all I've got is a Nimbus 1999. Yeah it's not that great but people say I'm doing well on it.

"Angelina! Pass the Quaffle will you?!" I shout down to her and Alicia Spinett. Angelina rolls her eyes before throwing it up in the air. This wasn't proper quidditch practise but I wanted to practise my aim anyway. "Thanks!" I shout back down to her before flying around the tallest hoop and carefully throwing it in. "WHAT ARE YOU ALL DOING?!" Oliver shouts from bellow. I gulp, I knew he would kill us if he found out we were playing quidditch with out him. "You could all risk serious injury! Then where would you be?!" He shouted. We all flew down to Oliver. "Well, for one you'd have to replace all of us on the pitch!" George grins.

"Yeah I could imagine that!" Fred smirks.

"Oliver Wood! The one man quidditch team!"

"Taking the world by storm!"

"Oliver Wood Wins the quidditch world cup!"

By now Fred and George are making weird hand movements but Oliver seems to be enjoying it. I nudge Fred. "Stop, you're gonna give him ideas!" I whisper in his ear. He snickers at Oliver and then winks at George. Fred gives me a heart stopping grin before turning to Angelina. "Hey! Angelina! You wanna go grab a butterbeer later?" Fred shouts. OH GOD NO!

I look at George with pleading eyes which he seems to understand straight away. After all, George is the only person I have told about my redheaded crush. "Fred! You said you were going to help me with.. uh Divination homework?" George says quickly. Nice one George... I wouldn't even believe you... Probably because I'm in one this... Oh never mind!

Unsuprisingly Fred doesn't by it. "What?! I never!" He protests. "Oh yeah, that was Charlie..." George says looking apologetically towards me. "I tried" he mouths. I nod and shrug. "Well I have to go and finish my transfiguration homework so... If you'll excuse me!" I say grabbing my broom and sprinting off the quidditch pitch and towards Hagrid's. A visit to Hagrid always makes me feel better. Ever since first year, I came to him with my problems.

As I'm sprinting, I almost knock over a small first year with curly hair and her nose in a book. "I'm SO sorry! Are you OK?" I hold out my hand to help her up. She seems to have been crying. "Yes, I'm fine" she says wiping away her tears. "Hey" I say softly. "What's wrong" I put my arm around her. She begins to sob again. "I-have-no-friends!" she sobs. "That's not true! You've got me!" I grin. I look at her again. "So... What's you're name?" I ask. She looks up pushing her frizzy her out of her face. "Hermione Granger" she smiles.

"Well that is a very pretty name!" I say childishly. "What's your's?" she asks. "Charlotte Murphy, but you can call me Charlie" I grin. "Do you want to do something fun?" I ask her. She nods eagerly. We link arms and I begin skipping towards Hagrid's. I knock on the door three times. "Charlie! and yer brought a friend to!" he says as he opens the door. "Come in, Come in!" he grins. "Thanks Hagrid, it's just we've had a very tough day" I sigh. "Tell me all about it!" He says putting the kettle on.

And so Hermione and I told Hagrid our sorrows and doubts of the day. He stood there for a second, before turning his head towards the quidditch pitch where the source of my problems was flying around with his club. "Well first Charlie, durs Fred know how ya feel?" Hagrid says raising an eyebrow. I shake my head slowly. "Well then! Yer need to tell him before Angelina Johnson does! And I don't think it was the right move to tell George... Seein as there twins an all" Hagrid said pouring the tea. "And Mione! You have a great friend right in front of yer!" I blush at the compliment.

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