The Mischievous Youngster

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In the center of pack village, a very spacious hut is build. There were the pack's leader hut, the Alpha's hut. At the certain corner, a man is cradling a young girl with long black hair as the girl won't stop crying and trembling.

"Dad, he surely come to eat me." The young girl wailed as she hug his father tighter. The older man is helpless as he continue to calm his daughter. He can just sigh as he look at the others elder who look at him jokingly.

"Reimy, there's no such things in this world." He tried to comfort his daughter but receive another series of wail about a corpse in a cave who can still move.

"It must be just her imagination." one of them reason out before another man enter the hut while carrying horrified Misha. The elderly is having a headache about this two youngsters.

"Okay, I'll ask Rico to go at the top of the mountain to check the cave you where saying so the two of you should stop crying already. We still need to talk about something important." Alpha reassure the two youngsters before asking somebody to take them to rest.

The moment the two stop crying is when everybody had the sigh of relieve. It was when a knock is heard and a man with long hair and black top came in.

"Okay, since everybody is here, let's proceed." The Alpha said as he wait Marcel to be seated. When he sit almost everyone look at him. They might not heard the man's voice yet once they look at him, they can feel a faint danger from him.

"Alpha what's the matter this time?" One of the asked.

"Rogues." Alpha simply answer. "But not like the other times, it looks like they have a greater motive this time." Before looking around the hall.

"Raise the defense around our territory." He command everyone before dismissing the majority of the elders. "Rico, once this rain stop tomorrow, lead a group to go on the top of mountain to look at the cave Reimy and Misha talking about."  He ordered before looking at Marcel who slowly standing up.

"Marcel." He beckoned and Marcel come. Alpha look at Marcel. He still clearly remember the day Marcel awaken again. In just a week span, he defeated the most elites guards of the pack, when this wolves try bully them.

At the present time, this man is already one of pillar of the pack. A warrior wolf that ensure the safety of their pack.

"Why don't you rest here inside the pack? You don't need to come next week on the border patrol." He smile as he patted Marcel's shoulder. He know that many of his pack patrol now rely on Marcel when they having patrol when there are rouges purposely seeking in there territory. He know that Marcel was the one who always capture those rouges before the others that tend them to just give Marcel this task and sulk off.

Given Marcel's character and special condition, that is he don't speak, they won't know if those little buddies are doing proper business.

Marcel stared at him before placing his hand on his chin. Both Alpha and Rico smiled at his gesture. The both of them knew that Marcel is weighting the pros and cons of this matter. A mannerism that he don't change since he become a werewolf since two years ago.

When Riza is explaining that it's Marcel habit, the whole pack was really intrigue but they had already used to this gesture of his.

"That's right! How about accompany me in the top of mountain tomorrow?" Rico quickly suggests knowing that Marcel is really a hard core busy body. Once you didn't give anything to do, he will look on his own.

Marcel tilted his head as if asking what are they going to do there and Alpha narrated about the story of the two young girls about the moving corpse at top of the mountain. Marcel look at them like is this a joke? and answer by shrugged shoulders and shaking heads. In the end, Marcel just nodded his head before existing the hut.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2019 ⏰

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