Beginning the Game

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Since I knew why my sister choose the Greek pantheon, I was sick. ( don't start me on the name )
She was a big fan of Percy Jackson for years.
She told me to read the books many times, but the movies were more convincing with their arguments, so « nope ».
My only relief was that I was a guy, the helmet had the intelligence to recognize which gender you were.
I wouldn't have stand being treated like a girl, there's the sexism, but I wouldn't stand the girl's clothes.

I guess that I also should be happy that she didn't go straight to choose an obedience.
Because that was my job to find something to enter the competitive scene except sponsors who want only deep throat.

I knew from her fan-club that my niece was  L.177 ( level 177 ), in the top 10 000 ( I don't remember exactly ), was a sub-pro with some levels behind the start of the real pro's playground.
Since I had a lot of works to do, I logged in.

I was at the same place, where I logged out.
I wouldn't do that next time.
Login out in a inn would get me a little 10 exp ( experience ) bonus.
I learned that on the newcomer's guide.

It was the market.
This noob village wasn't really a village, more like a middle town.
So the noob town was in what was called the beginning area ( noob area ).
Because beyond L.10, you couldn't stay there, I would learn how and why later.
But it was really interesting.

On the website, I learned how to change to another race.
Multiple « race quests » were available to everyone, some more visible than others.
To trigger those quests many different criteria were needed like stats, anterior quests or NPC's favorability toward you.
I wasn't interested into being something else than a human which have the best pros and cons ratio.

In this noob town the races were human, nymph and some werefolk races.
The only races accessible below L.10.
On the official site, some guides were disponible to learn how to trigger the necessary quest and stuff like that.
I didn't read them.

But on the contrary, I read those about the different building of the noob town.
I went to the ones which were there to give noob quests.

I did a few of the lowest difficulty one, which is F, the ones where you're asked: « Go get that there. » or « Can you find my little dog, please. ».
It gave me some good exp.

I did those little quest to travel and visit the town until I finally got in the most important area of the noob town: the temples.

I roamed a bit between them.
There was a lot of team forming here.
All the important quests were from the temples and it is also were the different members of a group got their class.

All the temples were majestic, but it's the one belonging to Artemis which was the most attractive .
From the exterior, the numerous pillars supporting the palace looked like trees from afar and gave a feeling of peacefulness.
And the green that the members of this cult are wearing is my favorite color.

The temple was also quite something inside.
There was a big statue of a young woman with a bow, she was all white and seemed to look far away with piercing eyes.
This majestic statue had a bright halo, it looked like it absorbed the sunlight coming by the rooftop's window to redirect it even brighter against the shadows of the temple.
It was mysterious how the statue seemed taller than the pillars supporting the roof, the window looked like a joke with this statue going beyond it but without touching it.
It looked so real!

After a little moment of « wow », I managed to calm myself and look elsewhere.
I found a priestess waiting patiently with a dumb face that only npc could show in public.
I went to her, since I was not even L.4, let alone a paladin, I couldn't have a serious mission; feed the dogs, deliver letters missions again.
I was beginning to feel sick about these passive missions.
I was at my thirteen mission when I finally reached L.4, then an new mission was available.

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