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Although the war had only lasted six months, it felt like forever since he felt in peace.

Well, not at all.

His life has always been this way. He never really had a peaceful moment, he was always thinking or doing something. Like he was in a constant battle with no end, he was so used to the feeling of been attacked or be the one attacking that he never really had any other choice. He knew no other feeling and he really wonders how it must be to be completely at 'peace' to have no worries in the world, just like that blue hedgehog.

Night had now overtaken the sky and there was no sign of sunlight anymore. Instead, he noticed the villagers putting up their night lights on. Houses and small shops began to do their own work at night. There were still a lot of reparations to be made ever since the war with Eggman ended, and the townspeople work until late at night to repair things as fast as possible. Small villages began to show up again in the region, and Shadow always made sure to pass by in case they were under some robot attack; which were strangely more common these days. There were rumors going on that some besides Eggman was creating robot attacks, and since Shadow didn't have his own path to take after the war ended, he decided that this was a good way to get back on his tracks.

However, anyone didn't seem to take. The very young ones were running around the center of the village, running around the fountain, playing under the bulb light strings which connected all houses and all shops together and bringing them all together in one place, the fountain. It was a nice view Shadow had to admit that much, it even was a starry night but Shadow wasn't completely comfortable. For some reason he felt like this moment was unreal, what he was living would be taken away from him in a second. Just like it has always been.


His thoughts were interrupted. He turned around to find Amy Rose standing behind him, she didn't have any peculiar expression. He knew her very well and she was easy to read which Shadow liked. However, at the moment, he couldn't figure out what was going o her mind.

"Yes, Amy?", Shadow affirmed her question, which he regretted saying it. He could have said something different. "Well, its been a while ever since I saw you...have you been?", Amy took a step closer to him, taking a quick look at him. She wasn't checking him out in a sexual sense, but her motherly instincts just wanted to make sure that Shadow was fine and uninjured.

"I am alright, there have been some robots attacks recently and I was just passing by to make sure this village was fine. Now that I see you and I know for a fact that you will have things under control, I'll take my leave then", Shadow was ready to run away but he stopped as soon he felt Amy grab his hand.

"Wait!", Amy held Shadow by the hand, stopping him from leaving. She knew that Shadow wasn't the most talkative hedgehog out there, and maybe not even the friendliest but even if they were distant, she still considers him a good friend. "Why don't you stay the night? The villagers are making a lantern fest memorial for all of those who sacrificed their lives to win the war", Shadow took one small look to her hand and noticed that she was missing one of her bracelet rings. Amy took noticed of this and was quick to explain," I lost my bracelet ring during the last battle, I looked for it for days but I couldn't find it. Its one of a kind, it lets me use my hammer powers but without it, well...I think my battle days are over"

Amy felt Shadow's strong gaze overtake her. She honestly wonders how many girls had he murder by just looking at them in the eyes. Amy knew that just like Sonic, Shadow was a hedgehog that was always on the go. However unlike the blue hedgehog, Shadow had never had mental breaks; and by mental breaks it means to relax the mind, to enjoy other things in your free time, to have dates and to enjoy yourself. For Shadow, it was always been in action and although she liked the 'putting others before himself' side of him, she knew that it wasn't always healthy.

"I am sorry Amy, but other villages might be in danger while I stay here...I won't take a chance", Shadow simply said and instead of feeling Amy's hand letting go of his as he expected; he felt both her hands wrapped around his hand. He looked up to see her expression and he could tell that he was worried about him, never knowing where he was or if he was safe. He really appreciated the fact of her pureness and her ability that she had towards him although they didn't share any intimacy. It was a strange bond that they shared, they both secretly cared for each other. They were close friends without realizing, Amy would run across the world to protect Shadow, and Shadow would go beyond his comforts to see her in peace.

At peace.

Looking at Amy's emerald eyes and feeling Amy's hand on his; Shadow had never felt such peace, this feeling was new, fresh and young just like a red rose that sprung in June, like a melody that is sweetly played in tune. He never thought that this day will come, that he will understand such a warm feeling.

"I understand...but please Shadow be safe", Amy finally took the courage to let go of Shadow's hand, afraid that if she let go, he will never see him again. Amy noticed how more and more people began to make their ways to the fountain. Kids made their own costume lanterns and adults hold some as well. "I promise you"

Amy wasn't expecting those words from Shadow. However, she was more than relieved to hear them. Shadow noticed her change and could tell that she was feeling better now and took in a note that whenever destiny decided to make them meet again, he would make promises to her and keep all of them.

Shadow took one last look at Amy and Amy did the same, trying to take in as much as they could of each other in those few seconds. People were passing by really fast, but they only froze time with each other.

And Shadow took off, continuing his own path and Amy did the same.






It hasn't been long since Shadow left and the lanterns fest had taken place. All the lanterns around Amy floating like stars was beautiful and Amy wanted to take in everything she could. Villagers walked around the lanterns as well, talking, eating and enjoying each other around the center fountain of the village

Amy really wished that Shadow could have been with her, he was a tough guy to get through, but maybe this could have helped him open up to her fully. Looking around the lanterns, she noticed a particular floating lantern coming her way. It had something shining hanging from it and Amy waited until it got closer to her to finally take it with her hands and carefully inspected it

A ring bracelet was hanging from it




Shadow was already far away from the village, but he took a moment to look back and appreciate the beauty of the lanterns above in the dark sky. Looking down to his ringless wrist, he smiled to himself one more time and took off, wondering if his lantern with his bracelet ring attached to it had made it to a certain pink hedgehog.






A/N: I am going to be taking a break to write journal entries for this year's Shadamy Week! I hope you enjoy and after this I'll be publishing more of my original work...wait for it~

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