The Final Recall (An Owl City Sci-fi fanfic)

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I walked down a street filled with people. I guess I'm in New York by the big buildings and billboards that flashed various things to get people's attention. My feet led me to the middle of Town Square. I was supposed to meet two guys and a girl who's name escapes my memory. I stopped walking and examined myself. I wore jeans, tennis shoes, and a blue tee shirt. I looked up from myself and I was face to face with the two guys and a girl. One of the guys wore glasses and had longish brown hair and wore jeans and a red tee shirt. The other guy wore a beanie so I couldn't see his hair, jeans, and a striped tee shirt. The girl had long black hair and looked pretty. She wore a cute skirt, knees high boots, and a purple tee shirt. I smiled at them and walked towards them. I reached them but they were flickering. My heart pounded in my chest as I saw their images blended together into a face that I've seen countless times. I frowned as a sudden white light blinded me.


I saw black and lines and codes. I told my brain to open my eyes. They opened slowly and I saw my creator, named Jason Stanley. But whenever I looked at him. I saw numbers in the form of a human. I concentrated on blinking and I did. Now I saw his face. Well, a fuzzy image of his face that is. I made out his features. Like that he has black hair, blue eyes, pale skin and a scar on his chin. He smiled at me and I stared blankly at him. My ears heard him sigh.

"I'm smiling. You don't know what a smile is?" He asked nicely

The muscles in my neck moved my head side to side as if saying 'no.' Jason told me I could easily do it. He told me a number sequence and I processed it in my brain. Then I felt the corners of my mouth move up. Jason laughed. Suddenly, I stopped smiling and was....frowning? Is that the right word? Yeah that's right. I was frowning and Jason stopped laughing.

"I'm sorry 1415. I didn't mean to upset you."

Upset? What does upset mean? I asked myself. Then the voice in my head answered me





make (someone) unhappy, disappointed, or worried.

"the accusation upset her"

synonyms: distress, trouble, perturb, dismay, disturb, discompose, unsettle, disconcert, disquiet, worry, bother, agitate, fluster, throw, ruffle, unnerve, shake.

Yes that's it. I was upset. I blinked again. My name isn't 1415. Well it is but I don't like that name. I thought of what I was going to say. I felt my mouth form the words.

"My name is Adam," I said in my gravely robotic voice.

Sensors in my arms told me that Jason put his hand on it. It felt warm and weird.

"Not it's not. Your name is 1415. Have you been daydreaming about being a human? How many times have I told you? You are an android even though you're different from the others." Jason said.

I didn't respond and thought of every time he told me that. Which was two hundred fifty-six thousand seven hundred twenty-one times in the past twenty-eight years of my life. I told Jason that and he laughed again. I frowned. Jason is right though. Apparently I'm the longest lasting android of my kind. Which is model 8-A. All of the others were terminated. I used to have friends. And I'm so unique that I can function a lot better than the newer versions. Which is 9-A. They look more like humans and there's something else that I can't remember. Jason brought me out of my thoughts when he told me that I'll never be like him and we even compared our 'design' as I like to call it. I concentrated and moved my right arm next to his. Automatically, my vision turned to X-Ray. I looked from mine to his. Mine had rods and gears and springs for joints and other mechanical things and wires for veins while Jason had bone and flesh and real veins.

I blinked and looked at our skin. Something was off. Maybe it was my skin color. Instead of it being 'white' as people say. I'm more of a well, I'm not exactly sure what color category my skin tone comes into. It's not exactly white and it's not black. I'll just call it a 'sickly pale' because it's in between white and transparent. It can sometimes be transparent depending on how you look at it. I put my arm to my side and imaged myself standing up since I was sitting down in a chair. Slowly, I stood up and felt the gears and springs move in my knees making me stand up. I was standing and my vision flashed bright red. There was a loud blaring noise like an air-horn going off that filled my ears. I let out a pitiful robotic wail and sank to my knees with my eyes squeezed shut. What's going on?! The noise hurt so bad that I wanted to cry but couldn't. Then warning signs flashed before my eyes. It said that something was malfunctioning. But what was malfunctioning?

There was a sharp snap in my ankle and pain shot up my body and to my brain. Suddenly, the warning signs and loud noise went away and it said 'malfunction found. Wire number 3450 in right ankle damaged. Replace immediately.' I opened my eyes and sat up slowly. Jason got next to me and I sat with my right leg outstretched. I studied Jason and recorded every move he made. He got up, walked over to a toolbox and brought back some tools that I didn't recognize and a yellow wire, or wire number 3450. He sat back down beside me and started unscrewing the screws from my ankle joint. He put the screws down, opened up a little compartment, and motioned for me to look. I leaned forward awkwardly. I saw a bunch of other wires and gears and other stuff. Wow. Cool! Then he did a weird little movement with his figures on my skin and my vision went black.

When I regained....what's the word?....consciousness? Yeah consciousness. When I regained consciousness, I was laying in my bed wearing a white tee shirt and white pants. My everyday clothes. I did a quick X-Ray scan of myself and saw that I was fine. I also noticed that I had a new foot. Huh, I thought to myself. I tried getting out of bed but Jason walked in and told me to get some rest even though I just woke up. He said I have a big day tomorrow. What could be big in this place? The lab is like a prison! Jason told me good night, turned the light off, and went out. I looked around the room and saw darkness except for a blue light that blinked in the right corner of my small room for some annoying reason. I then pulled the thin sheet near me. I closed my eyes and switched my brain into 'sleep mode.'

The Final Recall (An Owl City Sci-fi fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant