Happy Birthday, you goof!

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"Why can't I go to the kitchen?"

Elijah looked at me with utter confusion, quiet taken by what I said earlier to him.

They really weren't kidding when they said that he's the most oblivious person 

"Because Ryder and Dylan have a cooking contest going on," I answered his question.

"And?" He raised his eyebrow and waited for me to explain furthermore.

"Did you forget that Ryder hates it when there are more than two people in the kitchen when he's cooking cause he would lose his focus," I crossed my arms. "Plus, it's not only you whose banned from the kitchen."

It's been over a year since I've started living with my brothers, and it was by far the best year of my entire life and yet to come. My recovery took about two months and I was being home-schooled before going back to school. I never felt alone at the hospital as either Cora or one of the brothers come to visit me. Sometimes, there would be some students from my school coming to wish me full recovery. I've already got used to my brother and there would be times where I argue with them (mostly Caleb and Elliot), but other than that we are a big loving family.


A year and a half ago if someone told me that I'm having six big brothers and a twin brother, I would've looked at them like they have some serious mental illness and walked away instantly.

Today is Elijah's birthday, and we planned to do a surprise birthday party for him at Melanie's house. Ryder and Melanie are responsible for dinner, and Dylan's responsible for the cake, Caleb, Cora and Elliot are responsible for the decoration and decorating, Colton and Mindy for snakes, Chris was like the manager and made sure everything was going smoothly and me and Andy for distracting the birthday boy...man.

It was easy since Elijah always forget his birthday, at least that's what my brothers and Melanie told me.

Elijah was about to say something but got cut off by his phone ringtone. Instantly, I knew that was Andy.

Andy is Dylan's girlfriend. They met 8 months ago on a blind date. And it worked, they first started off as friends and then dated later. One thing I've learned from hanging out with Andy is that it's hard to debate or argue with her, cause she always wins. Even when she's wrong. Which makes me wonder how she's not majoring in either Business and Law but instead in Education.

"Morning, Andy," Elijah said as he answered his phone and moved toward to the dining room.

I knocked at the door that leads to the hallway. "The coast is clear," I whispered.

Caleb and Chris dashed quickly inside the kitchen with the ingredients and decorations of the cake that Dylan requested in their hands.

"Don't you have to go with Elliot and Cora to buy the decorations?" I asked Caleb after he came out of the kitchen.

"Cora lives far so Elliot went to go get her, the mall is near so I can just go walk to there," he explained and gave me a kiss in the cheek ( a habit all my brothers do). "Bye, sis."


Right after Caleb went out, Elijah came strolling in. "Andy told me that she needed help with bringing some stuff to the daycare she's working at since she hurt her hand and can't drive. Do you wanna come with, we might need some help with the loading."

"Sure," I smiled at him. "Just let me get ready, I'll be right back."

When I moved into the house, I got Elliot's room and he moved to the guest room instead. The only reason I moved into Elliot's room was that both Caleb's and Elijah's rooms were close by. Each one of my brothers helped me decorate it, Dylan and Chris helped me paint it, Colton went clothing shopping with me, Elijah went furniture shopping with me, Ryder and I hit the bookstore from time to time, Elliot drew a portrait of us in the empty wall next to my bed so I can look at it instead of a picture, and Caleb usually help me with organizing my things. He may not seem like it, but he's a neat freak. 

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