Dark Louie

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After the party ended louie started walking to his room.

Donald: Louie wait...

Louie: what is is master-i mean uncle Donald.

Donald: are you looking forward too School in the morning?

Louie: oh yeah...Wait  does school know where I was.

Donald: we told them you took a leave for mental health.

Louie: well that's not wrong.

Donald: I'm really happy your back.

Louie: me too.

Louie Wales back to his room locked the door and slid down it and banged the back of his head into it.

Louie's mind: STOP IT.

???: Never faggot.

Louie was speaking out loud now.

Louie: why do you sound like my master?

???: You tell me you abomination.

Louie: how am I supposed to know I'm over that part of y life.

???: Then why do you still call him master.

Louie didn't answer, he knew he'd never be over the master, he had so much pain and now this voice...It was making him... Crazy.

???: You should have stayed in Scotland, they don't want you. And Kyle's just with you out of pity.

Louie's eyes turned pure white.

???: No take that knife and make some more cuts.

Louie pulled a knife from his pocket rolled up his sleeve to reveal scares, scabs and cuts that hasn't yet healed.

Louie: slit his right arm.

???: Now...

Louie was pulled back to reality when he heard his door be broken down.

There in the door way stood webby, Huey and Dewey in shock.

Huey: what are you doing Louie!

Louie's voice deepened: leave my room at once.

Dewey: Louie your cutting your self!

Webby: Louie...Give me the knife.

Louie: looked at Webby then pulled a gun out of his pocket and pointed it at them.

Louie's voice returned to normal: WEBBY RUN.

(To distinguish between the dark Louie and louie I'll up a DL for dark Louie I you hate it Im not bothered)

DL reaimed the black gun.

DL: I'll make you a deal kill me or I'll kill you.

Huey: what are you saying?

DL: kill me I'm begging you.

Dewey: who are you, you're not our brother.

DL: I am I'm just the aspects of his personality he's been supressing... His hate, his longing to kill-


DL: but he has.

Webby: what?

DL: he did why do you think he went back to Scotland.

Dewey: no...

DL: he killed his master in cold blood. He whipped him, branded him stopped then shot two bullets into his head.

Huey: that was probably you!

DL: no it was after that incident that I appeared.

Webby grabbed Dewey and Huey and ran off.

They arrived in a secret room in the house behind the bookshelf I'm one of Scrooge's study's filled with weapons.

Huey: why does Scrooge have these

Webby: hunting is one of Mr McDucks old hobby's.

Dewey: well that's not concerning.

Webby grabbed three guns and gave one to Dewet and Huey.

Huey: we can't kill him.

Webby: these are bullets that will only stun him.

Webby went out first followed but the two.

DL through the knife at Dewey but Webbys caught the handle and throught it back for louie to catch it.

DL: as agile as ever Webby *psychotic laughter*

Webby: that you .

Huey fired a shot at Louie but he back flipped and kicked off the wall and returned fire.

They all dodged Louie grabbed the knife and tried to stab Webby only for her to block it with her own knife.

Dewey kicked Louie's gun out of his hand.

Louie kick Webby and tried to stabbed Dewey.

Huey but his gun to Louie's head .

Louie gave Huey a scared look and Huey lowed his gun.

Louie smiled sadisticly and kick Huey.

Huey landed in the Flour: that was a cheep trick.

DL: what ever.

Louie raised his gun to Huey's head.

But He didn't pull the trigger he returned to nomad.

Louie started to cry.


Webby Hugged him:  it's okay we're here now.

Dewey: What was that.

Louie was breathing heavily: get me my medication.

Dewey ran to Louie's room and grabbed all the bottles.

Louie took two green pills: I have a major self control problem.

Webby: like another personality.

Louie: no that is me but I gave into my demons.

Dewey: had that happened before?

Louie: no it's fine if I have my medication.

Dewey picked his brother from off the flour.

Webby: let's have a sleep over like when we first met you.

Louie: I shouldn't the master would...

Huey: Louie...

Louie frustrated: Ah Curse me kilts.

Dewey laughed.

Louie: what?

Dewey: Uncle Scrooge always says that.

Louie: oh yeah...guess I'm picking up some new habits.

Long lost LouieOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz