Chapter 1~ Run away!

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One dark Christmas night, all the reindeer were about to head off and pull Santa's sleigh. They were all saying goodbye to their friends and family. But everyone was ignoring poor snowflake. He ran up to his big brother Rudolph -that's right. Rudolph had a secret baby brother-. "Good luck Rudolph!" Snowflake said looking up at his big brother. Rudolph looked down at his little bro. "I don't need luck you little wanna-be! I have talent! And of course my legendary red nose! Now go bother mom!" Rudolph said snottily. (In my story Rudolph is a snotty snottykins) Snowflake held back tears and backed away. It didn't surprise him that his brother was acting this way. He remembered a time when they use to play together. When Rudolph was an outcast. But the popularity got to him.

Snowflake made his way to his mother. "Mother, when can we eat? I'm starving! We've been here for hours!" he pleaded. Dixon looked down in disgust. She had never wanted another child. No one did. Snowflake was just an extra. A space waster. "Snowflake! Don't be so selfish! We're here to celebrate you're brother saving Christmas! It's not like you ever did that!" She said.

But the truth was that just this year there was a huge toy factory malfunction. There was a little screwdriver that had bounced into the center of the mechanism. Snowflake was the only one who could sneak in and pry it out. Without him, there wouldn't even be any toys to deliver! But did anyone know that. Absolutely not!

He went over to his father, but he gave the same reaction as his mother. Finally he went over to his best friend Shiny. She was a shy reindeer. And although she wasn't very popular, everyone actually noticed her! She was in the corner of the stables eating hay. "Hey Shiny. Mind if I eat some too? My parents are obsessing over Rudolph again. I think tonight I might actually do it." Shiny looked up in horror. "You can't leave Flake! You're my best friend! Eat some of my hay! Just please don't go!" Shiny pleaded. Snowflake shook his head. "I'm sorry but I just can't take it anymore! They leave me hungry, they don't pay me any attention. How am I supposed to live like this? I can't do it! So I guess this is good bye." Shiny's eyes glazed over as tears fell. "But you can't leave! Who will I play with? Who will listen to me when I'm upset? Who will be my best friend? Who will care for me like you do?"

Again Snowflake shook his head. "I'm so sorry Shiny! But if you ever feel like visiting just fly to New York City. That's were I'll be. I'm done with being forgotten. I'm done with being  over-shadowed. And I'm sick of Christmas! Good bye." And with that he flew to the edge of Santa's village, with Shiny yelling out good byes behind him. Just as Snowflake was about to fly away, he felt someone tap on his tail.

He turned around expecting to see his friend. But instead he found the big man right there. Santa. "Leaving so soon? Although I'd understand why." Snowflake looked down, ashamed that someone knew about his 'situation.' He replied in a monotone. "No one wants me. I'm going to New York." He nodded in understanding. "Well, I've been to NYC and let me tell you some things to remember. Snow is delicious- but not the yellow snow. All the coffee shops will say they're the best-they're lying. And candy is always a good choice of snacks- but not gum on the street. (Who knows where this is from?) Be careful Snowflake. Good bye." Snowflake thanked Santa and then lept into the sky.

He did it. He finally ran away.

Hey everybody! This is Megan! This is a story that I thought up of so please don't copy! Of course my older sister Melody (3mybookslol) helped. I hope you like this story! Please vote, comment and ffffoooolllloooowwww!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2014 ⏰

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