Chapter 3: Leave me alone

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Both Jay and I were walking around doing nothing but trying to waste time. We didn't know what to do so we decided to walk around London for a while. We stopped by a few shops along the way.Today was in favt Tuesday but I was allowed off since my boss was over in the states taking care of a family problem.

"Is that her?" I heard a whisper from a girl behind us. Jay motions me to be quiet.

"She had blue eyes so yes it is Christina James." I turned towards them. Earning a glare from the two girls I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I'm Christina James, who's looking?"

"Chris lets go," Jay said using the nickname I hate.

"You are an asshole for upsetting Eleanor. Louis probably hates you!" She yelled catching a few people's attention.

"First I don't know who Louis is so I don't care! Second if Eleanor is upset with my tweet she should take it up with me face to face not send her fans to yell at me. How old are you anyways? Twelve?"

"I'm thirteen smartass!"

"Alright, learn to respect your elders, stop swearing like a sailor at your age, 'Cause it isn't cute, and go read a book instead of coming and following me around."

"You should fucking get better come backs!"

"You're twelve I'm 20, I don't need to have come backs with bad words. You need to leave me alone. Tell Eleanor to leave me alone because I don't need this." I turned around walking away.

"Tina!" Jay yelled after me.

"We're goin home!" I snapped hurrying to my car. I can't believe these little. Oh but she is gonna hear from me. As I wait for Jay I take my phone out and log into Twitter. Sending out a tweet that better get her to put a stop to these l ittle trolls. She needs to let me forget of this whole thing. I don't know who Louis is and I don't want to, same with Eleanor. I just want to be left alone.

Eleanor's p.o.v.

My phone rang with a notification. I saw it was Twitter and it could only be one out of two people at the moment. Seeing it was Christina I look at it.

@EleanorJCalder: I respect that your fans are dedicated. I just don't need crap every day about how you are upset and this Louis Person hates me. I don't know who he is nor do I know you and at this point I don't want to unless you are going to confront me yourself.


Damn! Now she's even more mad. She's not even at work and I'm getting even more mad. I close the app and call Margie."Hello? "

"She isn't her damn it! Where is she?"

"I think her boss gave her the day. She is at a family problem in America. Tina should be at work by next Tuesday."

"Couldn't you have fucking told me that?!"

"Keep it up Calder, remember out deal."

"Alright, whatever." I hung up and turned to leave. Now I need to figure this out.

Walking out of the building I get into Louis's car."Did you find her?"

"Yeah, my boss said it's going to be busy but I can make it to the movie premiers." He cheered before kissing me. Kept my eyes open watching as a smile spread on his face and a fake one on mine. I really do need to solve this. I can't keep playing his heart like this. I just can't. This isn't fair to me nor Louis. I always hated break ups so I am very happy that Christina gets to take care of that.

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