Part? one (idk, idc, don't judge me I'm tired and stole mah phone back xD)

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There you were standing on the brink of existence... The world crumbling beneath your feet... How did you get here anyway?


It was a normal day... You were sitting at the world meeting, next to your best friend Canada... You were actually sitting next to him, not on him. You two started talking when shouting started up... You walked over and tried to break up the two fighting countries, hoping you could help... Canada followed you trying to help as best as he could.

The fighting got louder and louder... You soon heard a soft beeping sound coming from somewhere... But where? You looked around and the beeping got louder and a little bit faster... You continued looking and soon found a bomb attached to the window next to the podium. Luckily you knew how to stop bombs from detonating. You ran over and reached towards it... You were too late the bomb stopped beeping and exploded. Then everything went blank...

You could hear people falling in the background and sounds of pain. You heard footstepts running towards you. You saw someone bend down towards you checking for vital injuries. You closed your eyes and became unconcious...

It seemed like only minutes later that you woke up to a white light hitting your eyes. You groaned in pain and heard people talking. "____!" You heard someone shout your name. "You're awake!" "Shh! Don't startle her!" Another voice said in a British accent. You felt a hand touch yours, it was warm and soft. "Are you alright?" Said the man with the British accent softly. "W-where am I?..." You said unable to see clearly. "You're in a hospital." Said the other person. "You've been here for a few months in a coma." "A-a few m-months?!" You softly shout back at him. You feel yourself bolt up out of the soft bed. "L-lay back down!" Said the person with the British accent in a worried tone. You couldn't see anything for some reason. "I-I can't see!" You shout waving your hands in front of your face. "C-calm down!" You hear the British voice say. "D-don't worry yourself!" You feel hands go on your shoulders, the same soft hands as before. "W-we're here f-for you!" You stop moving as the hands wrap around you in a hug.

After a few minutes they ask you if you can remember anything... "I-I can remember screams, and shouts of pain and anguish..." You answer them. "I-it was s-scary." "It's okay ___... You're alright we're he---" Started the British voice but soon got cut off mid sentence. "The doctor needs to see the patient..." Said a quiet voice from the doorway. You could tell it was a young nurse, maybe about 23... You've been able to sense ages for a while... You heard the two people walk out of the room and the nurse walk towards you. "How are you feeling today?..." She asked quietly. "I-I'm alright..." You say softly and cuatiously. "I-I can't see..." "That's alright, you don't need to see..." She says softly to you. 'What's that supposed to mean?...' You ask yourself. "It means that you don't need your eyes to do what needs to be done." She said as though she read your mind. "W-what do you mean?..." You ask. She didn't answer. You heard footsteps come in the doorway. There is a soft talking, you can hear every word of it though. "You didn't tell her anything Liechenstien did you?" The man asked the nurse. "N-no of course not Denmark!" She said sounding a little scared.

You hear footsteps leave the room, then some walk towards you. You instinctivly started shivering. The footsteps got closer and closer until you felt a cold shadow above you. "You shouldn't be alive..." A dark voice said. "You shouldn't have ever been born..." You heard a sound that sounded like steel being moved through something. 'An ax?...' You asked yourself. "EVER!!!" The man shouted. You heard the object being raised, instinctivly you leaped out of the bed and ran towards the door. You heard the object break downwards onto the bed and snap it in half. You went out the door and ran down the hallway, the man started chasing after you. You couldn't see... How did you know where to go? You didn't care, you took a left, then a right. You ran into an elevator that was just barely closing.

You could feel the elevator going downwards, you were gasping for air wishing you would have payed attention to what everyone had told you. Things racing through your mind. '____, you'll do great things one day'(so said by a man with a German accent) 'You can do it! We believe in you!'(so said a small Italian man) 'Move that butt!'(said a Frenchman) 'We'll always be here for you...'(said a man with a British accent)

*more flashbacks*

*you're at a party at one of your friend's houses*

'____!' Arthur said with a happy look on his face. 'Glad you showed up!' He hugs you and you instantly start blushing. He leans over and goes to kiss you----

*your flashback is interrupted by a crash*

You fall to the floor and realize the elevator stopped moving. You start feeling around on the walls, looking for the pannel switch that controls the elevator. You find the pannel and start pushing buttons to make it work. "WORK PLEASE WORK!!!!" You shout out in anger. You start softly crying. You hear footsteps coming from inside the elevator, you sink down onto the ground into a corner.

*"ne plach' podsolnechnik eto ne khoroshiy vzglyad dlya vas" A voice said from across the elevator in a Russian accent. You look up though you can't see... You can see dark and light, also faint shapes. He seems tall, though you can't tell, you can also tell he's wearing a scarf. That's only because he was adjusting it. He bent down to you and wrapped the scarf around your neck. You can sense an aura about him... It's a mix between sweet, loving, caring, evil, and destruction... You look up, at what hopefully are his eyes, and stare at him, you think. You can sense him looking at you. "Are you alright?" He asks. "I-I'm alright, w-why do you ask?" You say cautiously. "Well you're staring at the wall..." He says. You start blushing in embarrasment. "You're blind aren't you?" He asks after a bit. "Y-yes..." You answer him quietly.

After a while of him trying to get you to look at him in the eye there is another crash and the elevator goes jolting down. Nyan Cat music starts playing while you're falling. 'What is this annoying song?' You thought confused. Suddenly the whole elevator stops moving. You are just floating there, the scarf that you for some reason were still wearing, floating all around because it's to big on you. The elevator gets darker and starts to expand. Your just floating around like you're in space. You see certain spots light up and others not. You could sense the lights flashing like sparkles on black paper. You felt calm and content. You soon drifted off to sleep...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2014 ⏰

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