imagine #1

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First one for Dya_didi101. J-hope you like it!

It was a sunny morning. My eyes flustered open to see the love of my life sleeping quietly and peacefully in front of me. I was admiring him until-" Take a picture,it'll last longer." And so I did. Jin was calling us for breakfast. "Yah!!! You lovebirds!! Breakfast is ready!! You can smooch and eat each others faces off later!!" Every one just laughed at us and we were both flushed. But instead we were laughing at them as Yoongi fell asleep with his face dipped in milk,Hobi almost kissed RM (which got me passed tbh but nvm)  Jin almost set the dorm on fire... Everything was so wrong today. So to escape the silliness,we went out to a cherry blossom tree.

It was so beautiful,I wished I could just stay there. There were petals everywhere decorated in a neat order,with a fresh clear pond that reflects Bright yellow Sun with the vibrant blue sky... It was so sad we had to go because the (I love them but don't mind me they are just silly in the imagine so I had to) paranormal idiots wanted us back home.

Namjoonie Pov
I didn't actually tell Dya the reason why we went home so early. Thinking about her reaction to my surprise tour had to last body couldn't control so i lied so I would NOT get slapped again. So we went home and everybody was ready with an ice cream bowl to throw at us. "Nuh uh! I am not getting my favourite dress messed up!" She wailed so they aimed at me "Well,ummm. Guys. Put the bowl away....... Y-you don't like to see how Jimin is angry r-right?.... I-I will do that if you don't put it away.." They all put the bowl away. Except for Yoongi. He was a hard nut. "Yoongi I will take your kumamon bear away!!" Yoongi ran upstairs with the ice-cream. "Works like a charm" I muttered to myself. I went to my dorm room and I was shocked to what I saw. Oh shit!!!! I forgot to hide them!!!!.

3rd person pov
Dya stared in dismay as She saw the suitcases all scattered across the floor. She saw a note saying:
Hide from Dya. Need to go to tour.
  Namjoons Pov
"This is shocking,Kim Namjoon...., Why didn't you tell me you were going on tour..... For how long have you known this? She turned around and I saw her eyes filled with fury. I took the opportunity to run!!!!!!!! (Just imagine how he would look like running) The first place he ended was Jungkook's room. She wouldn't suspect him being there so he hid there. "Hyung what are you-" "Shush! I'm trying to hid from Dya!" "Is she in one of her moo-" "Yes she is now shut up!" He slid under the Ned and layer at flat as a pancake. He heart would skip beats every now and then. The door bursts open. "Jungkook have you seen Namj-?" "Nope,haven't seen him Noona!" "Mk........ I guess I'll go sleep with tae then. ..-" "NO!" "Ha! Found you!" Oh god.......

Namjoon had a hard time sleeping because of his face

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So guys,that was my first imagine! J-hope you liked it!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2018 ⏰

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