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"Ava, what happened?" Connor said again concerned.

"It's about Dr. Lange" she answered "He was here, a moment before you arrived. Somehow he knows I informed Dr. Latham and..."

"And?" He encouraged her.

"He said that if he'll go down, I'll go down with him."

"That son of a bitch!" Connor said angrily.

Then he was about to move toward the parking to go to find him, but Ava grabbed his arm.

"No, don't do this" she said firmly "I don't want you to get in trouble for me."

"But he threatened you and God knows what he meant."

"I know, but whatever he referred to, we'll find out. Just, not this way."

"All right" Connor said at the end. Then he put his arm around her shoulders and said "Let's go home."

The following day Ava was woken up by the sound of the wind and the rain against the window. As she opened her eyes, she saw Connor staring at her.

"How long have you been up?" She asked.

"Not so much."

"And why are you staring at me?" She said smiling.

"Well, you're so beautiful when you sleep. I mean, you look like the most sweet and harmless person in the world" he said chuckling.

Hearing that answer, Ava gave him a little punch on his shoulder.

"All right, I deserved it" he said laughing.

"Damn it. We gotta move, or we're gonna be late" she said watching the clock.

Then she gave him a quick peck and stood up, heading to the bathroom. While she was having a shower and getting dressed, Connor prepared breakfast.

"Pancakes are ready" he said once Ava entered the kitchen.

"I didn't know you cook" she said surprised.

"Well, there are many things you don't know about me" he said kidding.

Ava raised an eyebrow and he started laughing.

A couple of minutes later, the nice atmosphere was interrupted by the ringtone of both of their phones.

"It's a text from Dr. Latham" Connor said and then started to read it out loud.


Good morning Dr. Rhodes,

I want to talk to you in my office, as soon as you get to the hospital.

Dr. Latham


"He texted the same to me" Ava said after he finished to read it.

"Seems something serious."

They finished to eat breakfast and then hurried to get to the hospital.

10 minutes later they were in front of Dr. Latham's office. Ava nocked at the door and Dr. Latham said to come in.

"Good morning Dr. Rhodes. Good morning Dr. Bekker" he greeted them.

"Good morning" they replied at the same time.

"I called you here, to inform you that the IDPH will open an internal investigation on Dr. Lange" he said smiling a bit, then his face turned serious again and he addressed Ava "Dr. Lang must have some powerful friends, in fact he has informed the department that you were with him during the operation and the patient's death could also be your fault. So..." he took a breath "I'm gonna have to suspend you."

Connor & Ava's storyWhere stories live. Discover now