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Imagine: You're busking with your guitar in town and people are gathered round you and you notice this guy who also has a guitar standing at the back listening to you he was wearing sunglasses but yet he looked familiar to you and you think he looks cute. You try not to make eye contact with him otherwise you might go bright red so you look at every body else and not him.

You finish your busking and you start to pack up. You then go to pick up the money you have made from your guitar case you put it all into a plastic bag and put in the pocket of your guitar case. In front of you are to feet. You look up to find that the guy you were staring at before and his sunglasses are off and it's Shawn Mendes the music artist that has inspired you since he posted youtube covers and then started writing his own songs. You didn't know how to act what to say or do. You got up and just stared into his deep, brown and dreamy eyes.

Your point of view:

"Hi I just wanted to say your music was really good. I really enjoyed watching you perform," Shawn said.

"Thank you, it's good to know people enjoy my music," I said.

"I've never heard those songs before are they just different songs or-" he said.

"No I wrote them," I finished

"Wow you wrote them they're amazing you have a real talent!" Shawn said enthusiastically.

"Really you think so?" I questioned.

"Yeah and you have a presence that lights up the room when you sing it's really good," Shawn answers.

"Aww thank you so much," I said.

"Oh I'm Shawn by the way," He introduced.

"I'm Y/N," I said.

"Wow," he said.

"What? What's wrong?" I ask.

"Your name is beautiful and so are you," he says.

I immediately blush from his compliment and stutter, "Errr thank you."

"Look I'm sorry I don't usually say that to girls I'm not usually cocky in this way but..." he says.

"But?" I ask wondering what he feels. you suddenly just get butterflies because he may feel the same as me. What is he thinking?

"Err I don't know," he says slightly nervous and smiles and looks down and back at me. I smile back and look down at him. "Look I'm sorry though."

"It's fine err thank you though," I say smiling and slightly nervous. I stared into Shawn's eyes trying to read what he was thinking.

"Have you eaten yet?" he asked.

"No I haven't," I replied.

"Do you want to get something to eat with me?" he asked.

OMG! OMG! OMG! Shawn Mendes wants to get lunch with me are you kidding out of all the people on planet earth he wants to go to lunch with me. Ok ok Y/N just play it cool he's a regular guy like he says in interviews.

"Yeah I'd love to," I say.

Shawn smiled at me and I felt a rush of butterflies. How can I feel about a person in such a way yet I don't know him I only know him for his music and his interviews I feel such a connection with him.


We walked into Subway and queued up to get a sandwich and me and Shawn made eye contact every now and again which made you both blush.

We ordered our food.

"Are you paying together or separately ?" The man at the till asked.

"I got it," Shawn said.

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