the sad chapter

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sadness warning 

you hear a big loud scream coming from the kitchen. you jump off ur bed and walk to the kitchen and u see rubie on the ground'

"rubie whats the matter" you ask

"my dick fell off" rubie replies

tears fill up your eyeballs "you are lyeing right?" 



then all of a sudden you go into labour 

"ouchie ouchies" 

rubie growls at you" what? " 

" i am going into labour!!!!!!!!" 

"oh no, push!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

you push as hard as u can, then a little baby comes out

rubie says "its a boi!!!!!"

"lets name it boy meets evil cock" 

"its first words are coming!11!!1" 

boy meets evil cock: hi rubie noona

authors special message: merry christmas everyone have a great birthday <3

rubie x readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin