Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 : The Truth Part 2

Not only did I wake up alone, but i notice two things.

1. My wrist didn't hurt anymore and i only hurt it earlier that day and

2. My throat was dry as hell

I heard the door open but when I looked up it wasn't Demetri. It was...Rosemarie.

***Rosemarie's POV***

I went to visit Anaysia in the hospital; I had some very important news to tell her. I just hope she doesn't freak out too much.

See it all started when we bumped into each other in the hallway at school.


I got to school late and there was no one else on the hallway. Or so I thought. After I got my books out of my locker, I practically ran to my class. I was halfway there when I collided with someone and we both fell to the floor, our books went flying out of our hands.

"I'm really sorry. I wasn't paying attention." The voice said. I looked up and saw that it was Anaysia. My eyes went wide because of what I senced. Not only can I sense other vampires but I found out something else.

"It can't be." I whispered.

"What?" She asked, confusion all over her face.

"Umm, nothing. Here you go." I said, handing her books to her.

I gathered my books and quickly walked off with only one thought.

'Could she really be my sister?'

***End of Flashback***

"Hey Anaysia." I smiled. "I have some things to tell you and I'm hoping you don't freak out."

She looked at me confused. "Okaaaay?"

"Well, first off, I--I'm a vampire. Sorry to be so blunt but I hate beating around the bush." I looked at her for some kind of reaction. The only reaction I saw was her wide eyes. "Anaysia?"

"Well, I'm a witch so I guess other creatures exist." She smiled.

I smiled back. "It's a good thing you're so open minded. Umm, the next thing I tell you might freak you out more." I took a deep breath and continued, "You're my sister."

She looked at me with tear filled eyes. "Is that why you look so much like my mother?" She whispered. I only nodded. "You're really my sister? How?"

I sat in the chair next to the hospital bed. "Well, I'm a few months older than you so I remember more than you do. We have the same mother but different dad's. Our mother was amazing, she raised us all on her own. But nine years ago, she was murdered by a rouge vampire. Since we had different fathers, you and I were separated." I tried to keep the tears from overflowing. "And last year my father was killed by a stray bullet."

She looked at me and began to speak, "Actually none of this is freaking me out. It's kinda nice having an older sister." She smiled but then it quickly faded. "And my dad is dead too. He died in a car crash when I was two. I've been living with my aunt. I've been thinking about asking Demetri to move into my dad's house with me." She had tears streaming down her face but somehow she still managed to smile.

Suddenly she gasped.

"What?" I asked worried.

"I thought you had to be a demon to be able to sense other beings?" It came out as a question but we both knew it was fact.

"That's true but to an extent, we cannot sense werewolves." I sighed before continuing. "I am demon, vampire and witch. Our mother was demon and witch. My father was vampire."

"So that makes me demon, vampire, witch and human? My father was a vampire and human."

I gave her a small smile.

"I'll be right back." She said getting up and walking to the bathroom.

***Anaysia's POV***

'I can't believe I have a sister.' I thought as I walked to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and what I saw scared the shit outta me.

"AHHHHH!!!" I screamed. Rosemarie came rushing into the bathroom looking worried.

"What?! What's wrong?!" She asked frantically.

I turned to her and pointed to my eyes. "This is what's wrong!" Then I remembered me wrist. "And my wrist is completely healed. Why is that?!" I knew I shouldn't be screaming at her but I was freaking out.

She walked over to and hugged me. "I'm so sorry. I forgot to tell you." She pulled away from the hug and looked me in the eyes. "Well, you know that you have vampire in you." I waited for her to continue. "That being said, your a fast healer and your eyes turn red when you need blood."

"Is that why my throat is so dry?" I asked. She nodded.

We walked out the bathroom just as Demetri came into the room. I froze like a statue cause I smelled the most amazing thing in the world.

"Baby, you okay?" Demetri asked me at the same moment Rosemarie asked, "Anaysia?"

I didn't answer them; I just kept my eyes on Demetri...well his neck. He looked pretty freaked out but I figured that was because my eyes were still red.

One second I was standing across the room then I had Demetri up against the wall with my fangs in his neck. But that only lasted for a few seconds cause he tasted weird.

I guess I had a look on my face because Rosemarie asked, "What's wrong?"

"His blood tastes weird." I looked back at Demetri and noticed something. There was no blood on his neck and he didn't have a wound there either.

I backed away from him. "What are you?" I don't know why I was suddenly afraid of him, maybe it's cause I didn't know what he was.

He walked closer to me and grabbed my hand and looked at me with calming eyes.

"I'm a........"

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