An Unafraid Guy!

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"Don't you know how to make a line?"
"With a scale? Maybe."
She laughed as he blabbered.
He becomes unconscious as he see her smile !
A 6 year old guy, Parv, who was in love with her.
Always trying to make her laugh, rather,his only intension was to make her laugh.
They play together, dance together, draw together.
Their parents were good friends, but I think now they are.
Without the 'FEAR' of studying, getting good grades,his career, losing someone, he used to come to Pari to make her happy.
Once he was hurt by her, when she started getting close to a boy.
He was as angry as an Angry Bird
As sad as a divorcee.
Once, he was a happy man with no fears, just excitement, enjoyment. Now, he has a fear of losing her, as he loved her.
"I Love You
Do You Love Me ?"
Once more he proposed.
But no reply.
That doesn't makes his confidence down or demoralise him, but he never loses his hope.
He used to talk a lot. Infact, he was the 'most talkative person' of the class,
Enjoys every moment of life.
Many memories! Many journeys! Many experiences! Many lessons! Many regrets!
Yeah! Let's dive in it!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2018 ⏰

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