Let the fun begin

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Hoseoks pov
it's 2pm,just woke up and and take a look at my phone. "Oh im up early!" i look at my side and am in complete shock. " What
the fuck is going on ??!!"
" Why is he here?!!" Yoongi, Jin, Namjoon.... why are they with me?

*Last night*
"Maybe you should stop with the drinks." Hoseok says while laghing at the drunk yoongi beside him. "I aint stopin till I pass out, now shut the hell up and Ill reward you." The two were silent till they left the club. They got home and all of a sudden yoongi slam his hand on the wall pushing hoseok with him "Ready for the reward?" Hoseok blushing at those words but its to late. Yoongi pressed his lips aginst hoseoks after a few second of a hot make out session yoongi looks at the sexy blushed man in front of him and mumbled under his breath loud enough for hoseok to hear him say " Me or you who's top?" The  once innocent hoseok the one who would bring sunshine to his friend and everyone around him was now the most flustered man in the worlder. After a few moment yoongi sighed " You top me tonight got it." That was the last straw for  Hoseok. He took the man in front of him slamed him aginst the door and kissed him, forcing his tounge into the olders mouth. After they kissed Hoseok grabbed the older and took them to his room. He was takeing off all the unnecessary clothing off when he heard some moaning, it's coming from namjoons room. Hoseok and Yoongi are already naked and walking to namjoons room they open the door to see a blushing, naked Jin lying on  his tummy and a sweaty namjoon hunched over Jins wide shoulders thrusting inside the older causing massive moans to escape their mouths. It  was just getting to the best part when namjoon looked to the door to see two naked men with throbing boners, he then stoped what he was doing and yelled "Hoseoke,Yoongi!!....care to join us? Yoongi andHoseok somhow walked into the room, Jin in complete shock and Namjoon with a smirck on his face pulled the two on the bed. He began to kiss Hoseok, a hardcore make out session.It was a sight both Jin,and Yoongi enjoyed. Namjoon then wispered some words into hoseoks ear,"let's give them the time of their lives."Hoseok blushed so hard but nodded in agreement. He then grabbed Yoongi by his thighs pulling him onto his lap. Namjoon did the same with Jin. Jin was looking into Yoongis face, it was a beautiful image to see in person. His face was blushed and his skin looked so soft and pillow like. The two "tops" were taking in what they are seeing they felt lucky and horny as hell at the same time. Then the fun began... Namjoon and Hoseok grabbed thier lovers and and made it to where their hard members were touching they both moaned as the friction began. Their moaning was in sync it was music to Namjoon ears and Hoseoks ears. Namjoon and Hoseok gave a look at eachother then the two hyungs that were moaning their hearts out. They made up there minds and sliped there hands underneath their hyungs and placed two fingers inside the moaning messes but the moaning got louder and louder until they came on eachothers stomach but they were still hard. The two were catching their breaths, Namjoon and Hoseok took out tjer fingers and placed the two hyungs on their stomachs Hoseok place his member in first. " Ahhh!! ah mnm haha... HOSEOK!!! aaahhhh!!!" those moans were music his ears. Namjoon didnt hesitate to put his member in Jin. Jin screamed to the top of his lungs as Namjoon plunged into him with full force. "Nyaaahhhh ahhh..... haaa ahhhh nmmm ahh Nam..... NAMJOON!!! PLEASE... AAAHHH!!!"Tears of both pleasure and pain were streaming down the two helpless boys faces as they were being fucked. They movement of every thrust
caused the four to lose themselves it was scary yet so satisfying for all to enjoy. Yoongi then grabbed Jins face to pull him in for a kiss , Jin leaned  forward closer to Yoongis face. There lips colided with their tounges slide in eachothers mouths saliva dripping everywhere, then Hoseok and Namjoon pushed a hard,forceful thrust together causeing the kiss to become more messy Yoongi bit Jins lip and caused it to bleed. Both Jin,Yoongi,Namjoon,and Hoseok Moaned in pleasure. Then Hoseok and Namjoon saw both there lovers moan faces and they both turned into wild animals. Jin and Yoongi were moaning to the top of there lungs as the kiss broke. "Hng ahhh Hoseok...ahhh harder.... coming c... com aaaahhh.gahhh.. Yoongis  was giveing Hoseok that he was about to blow he look at  the younger with teary  eyes. Hoseok grabbed the olders hair as yoongis walls tightned around him. He began to go as fast as he could go. Hoseoks trust were too much for Yoongi to handle.Tears and moans
  filled the room Yoongi was
  at  his limits he flipped Hoseok over so Yoongi was on top he bounced up and down on the younger causeing both of them to cry out eachothers names."Hoseok aaahhh so biiig it filling me up aaaahhhh please more
Ahh h...hareder! Make me
come gahh ahh I feel it. Its okay ahah mngggaaahhh come...come inside me please make me yours!!"..."its okay Yoongi im here I will make you mine...hng ahhh haa! " And
with that Hoseoke and Yoongi came on himself and Hoseoks stomach, Hoseok came inside yoongi,
it was magical. Yoongi has never felt so good, so loved, he felt that he was claimed by the one that matters. Hoseok felt the same way he knew what wanted his and claimed it for his own.
Namjoon watched carfully and got the hint and began to do the same to Jin. Jins moaning got Namjoon wanting more of the older he thrust to his maximum strenght makeing Jin cry out in agony his tears fled down his face turning his eyes red. Namjoon lifted Jin in his arms onto his lap so the other two could see the face of his lover as he comes. "Aaahhh gyaaahh nmnghaa ahhh haahhaaa Namjoon please!!! coming....im coming!!!!! " Namjoon bit the olders shoulder as a sign saying that he was at  the edge too. They came at the same time Jins come was everywhere on his stomach and on the bed sheets. The four boy were wet sticky and trying to catch their breath at the same time. They plopped onto the bed,Namjoon and Hoseok holding onto their lovers. And went fast to sleep.

Hhaha part 1 of chapter 1 finished hope you guys enjoy thankyou.

Hhaha part 1 of chapter 1 finished hope you guys enjoy thankyou

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