Chapter One(and a half)

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Heyo, it's your boy Daniel and this is the first chapter of my very lovely book...So let's get on with it shall we~

7 years ago

Rowan was only 5 years old when her mother unexpectedly was giving birth to what is now her younger sister Maria Ann Codwill. She was born at the general hospital of Down-Town where they were living at the time of her birth. Rowan wasn't just your ordinary 5 year old little girl, she was wise and mature for her age. At her young age, the kids are supposed to be starting kindergarten, but with her odd significant intelligiant brain she is already in second grade. But, with her sharp-witted mind comes with some consequences. With her small child brain can't handle so much information at the same time, so the side effects causes minor migraines and blurry vision. Which really doesn't affect her all that much, the doctors think it's normal for this kind of condition.

At her private school she gets bullied by the older children because she is not so called "normal". But, she honestly didn't care at first but over the years it has gotten worse, she was now being called hurtful names, picked on, and verbal abuse. There was another boy who was different from everyone else. He was the rich and famous Bruce Wayne, everyone fantsies him because of his charm but as well as his incredible intelligents.

Rowan was mostly the quiet type and really never reached out of her comfort zone. She was the normally the one to sit alone in the back doing her work not being troublesome like the other half-witted minded kids. She got notes on her locker telling her "You don't belong here!" or "Freak!" here and there during the day and when she goes back to take them off they were gone like they were never there.

A couple years later

Rowan is now 10 years old in sixth grade in a different school in Mid-town. Her dad got a job offer at the G.C.P.D Headquarters, so again they moved but Rowan really didn't care she didn't have many friends to begin with while her sister is a chatter box. Maria and Rowan look completely different from each other, Maria looks like her mother with light brown hair and beautiful bright ice blue eyes, while Rowan looks like her father with dark brown hair and very rare gold-yellow eyes, they said it was some kind of genetics disorder.

Maria was the cheerful, bright little spirit and had many friends and spoke to everyone. She doesn't care if they are old, young, poor, rich, she is literally nice to anyone. While Rowan is a quiet, yet kind girl, who is silent most of the time and cold at first but if you spark her interest she will slowly open up to whomever she likes. She is shy but very kind like her little sis.

Around this age Rowan's minor heachaches turn to major headaches and come more often when they normally due, as well as her vision turns into her passing out here and there. And now she has developed a small voice in her head who is the complete opposite of her, who actually sometimes takes over if her school isn't willingly to fight back. Her parents don't really notice because they have to much on their plate and her little sister can't really do nothing about it.

The voice in her head turns to be an imaginary friend that she can physically touch and hear. She became really attached to this 'person' but people are starting to think she is going crazy, because she is talking to herself and hugging the air. But, no one understands what she has.

But she enjoyed her life, her family, and her education until one day after she turned 12, a few days later that eventful day, a new guy comes into her father's work as a detective and everything goes down hill. And something horrible happens to her......

Hello my fellow victims if you wanna know what happens to her or to her family please like and comment if you need any help. This is just a flashback but it is really gonna start next chapter.~

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