Part 5

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The next day Emerson woke up with a smile on her face she really was starting to like Bucky more and more. She heard her phone buzz as she laid in bed and saw that she had a text from Bucky.

"Morning beautiful can't wait to see you at school even though I do have to leave early to do my test. I really can't wait to hang out with you after practice tonight it will be good just me and you sweetheart." he texted her 

She smiled and texted back "Morning..can't wait to hang out too! I hope you pass your test cause I'm getting a little bored of not being able to run the roads with someone. Also um you wouldn't happen to know where I could find someone that knows a lot about trucks and dirt bikes cause I really want to get me one of each of those." 

"Oh I think I might know someone. Is someone thinking about trading in their jeep." he texted back. 

They were both laying in bed not getting ready for school texting each other. She finally got up as she texted back "Yeah..just haven't found a truck I like." 

He laughed and said "I think the person I know might be able to help." as he got up and got in the shower. 

They both got ready for school and then her dad took her to school. When Bucky seen her at her locker his mouth dropped she hadn't worn any camo besides her hoodie which was that one time to school. Her blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail and a camo t shirt and black skinny jeans with rips. He walked up to his locker and said "Hey sexy." in her ear.

She bit her lip and blushed behind her door and he moved it and said "I knew you were blushing." She got her books out and he said "God you in camo drives me crazy." 

She smiled at him and said "Aww..don't get to crazy you do have a driving test today." 

Dot was across the hall watching Bucky with her she knew that they weren't together yet but she could tell something was different about Bucky with her and about 4 cheerleaders walked by and said hi to Emerson and Bucky never took his eyes off of Emerson. Dot's mouth dropped open and Nat said "You are going to catch flies Dot.." as she walked by.

They closed their lockers and walked to Algebra class together and during History class Bucky left with his mom to take his driving test. During lunch she got a text from him that said "I passed!" and she said "Yay! Now get back here I'm lonely at lunch." 

He sat down beside her where she had her back to him talking to Wanda and he put his hands over her eyes and whispered "Guess who." in her ear. She moved his hands and turned around and said "Hey that was fast." 

"Yeah I was sitting in the parking lot with my mom." he said to her.

Lunch was over and they went on to English and Biology and then after school was over they went to practice. After practice their parents took them home and they both took showers and got dressed for them to hang out. 


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