Chapter Two: Elements and Life

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Using Its omnipotent power, It created a balanced world of light and dark. It called the light Sol, and the dark Noct. The Lonely God saw that too much light was blinding, and too much darkness made it impossible to see. So It made it so that Noct and Sol would change evenly to make sure neither would overpower the other. It created a large globe of stone and dirt to be used as a canvas. The Lonely God cut deep valleys and piled up mountains. It called the orb Terra. The Lonely God tread upon Terra, and where it's feet touched, life sprouted. It walked until great trees, crawling vines, and vibrant flowers of all shapes and sizes covered all corners of Terra. He called this new green life, Flora. Too keep Flora alive, the Lonely God poured forth it's lifeblood. He called the blueness Hydro. It ran all around Terra, cutting deep into cracks, soaking into the ground, and cascading down cliffs. Sol warmed Hydro and created large white clouds. There were many violent storms and Hydro fell from the skies, covering everything and sustaining the Flora.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2018 ⏰

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