Chapter 15

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You and Corbyn got to Logan's house, You and Corbyn were both smiling at each other. You both walked into Logan's house

Logan: So are you two dating?

Corbyn: Not yet!

Maddy: Yeah Not yet
You and Corbyn say Blushing

Logan: OMG you two are going to be a such a cute couple!

You and Corbyn go to your room and talk for a bit until you see the time 

Corbyn: It's getting late I should go

Madd: But I don't want you to leave

Corbyn: We'll hang tomorrow!! 

Maddy: YAY!

Corbyn: What time should I pick you up?

Maddy: Whenever you want

Corbyn: Ok 1 am then

Maddy: I didn't mean that early

Corbyn: Ok, How about 11 am?

Maddy: Sure!

Corbyn: Also I have a surprise for you tomorrow 

Maddy: Oh god

Corbyn: It's a good surprise 

Maddy: Yay!

Corbyn: I already asked Logan if you will like it and said %100 you will like it

Maddy: I wonder what it is

Corbyn: What's my name in your phone?

Maddy: Why are you asking?

Corbyn: I need ideas for your name

Maddy: Oh god, Well your contact name won't help

Corbyn: Why what is it?

You pass Corbyn your phone and he sees his name

Corbyn: Oh god

You both start laughing 

Maddy: It's bad isn't it

Corbyn: No I like it, Bean Baby ❤ It's a great name

Maddy: Really?

Corbyn: Yes I love it!

Maddy: What's my name going to be?

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