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Guys, all of you need to mail COLORS TV through (  // Subject = Don't End Udaan and write your emotions regarding it.

As soon as possible before we lose our SUKOR who reached our depth of small hearts.
This is the earnest request to extend the telecast of UDAAN because,


You can mail as many times from a single mail address, but please do your best.





A new day dawns and sunlight filters through the bedroom window of a familiar backdrop. We see picture after picture of the happy couple hung on a decorative screen, and all the accoutrements of a newlywed couple strewn about. Its 7:30 a.m., and Chakor and Suraj are still sleeping. Suraj must really love Chakor, because he's allowed the entire room to be decorated like a pink fairy on acid dropped by and exploded the color everywhere.

Chakor voiceovers: when she opens her eyes in the morning, she can see a content Suraj by her side. Even though they have been married for over a year, she still can't quite grasp it. Does Suraj feel the same way?

Suraj awakens and looks at Chakor, who greets him with a tender "Good Morning." He tells her that her gaze is as piercing and hot as the sun. Since it's a Sunday, they should sleep in a little more. Chakor says the entire family is on vacation except for them, so she needs to get up and make breakfast for him. No wonder he's trying to keep her in bed. Bed = more Chakor snuggling + no Chakor-made food to eat. It's a win-win situation!

Suraj hugs her tighter in his embrace, saying she can spare 5 more minutes. Chakor consents, just 5 more minutes. And then a persistent ringing interrupts the mood. It's dark inside their bedroom, and Suraj sits up and turns off the clock. Chakor remains inert and dead to the world. We are now in a less pink bedroom, and it's clear (as if we couldn't tell) that the earlier scene was all Chakor's happy dream.

Suraj is annoyed that Chakor set an alarm for so early in the morning. The sun isn't even up, and he's the one to be awakened by the alarm set for her. He tells Chakor to stop staring at him with that look, and harrumphs back into sleeping position. Chakor sits up, likely with a little annoyance that her hubby didn't appreciate her attempt to start her day early so she can create the perfect day with him. -Sweetheart, men just want to SLEEP, that is their idea of a perfect day. Don't worry, you'll understand sooner or later-

Chakor, dressed like a mini-Mom, is off to the supermarket to shop for the day's groceries. She voiceovers: it's been a long time since she spent a weekend with Suraj. She wants to be just like the newlyweds in movies – eating breakfast together, then cleaning the house, and finally going out to see a movie. She wants to be a good and proper new wife.

As she swans through the market, she is stopped by an attendant who calls her "newlywed wife", and she's so giddy that she buys a boatload of vegetables from that lady. Before she leaves, she's gifted with two apples which are promised to be as sweet as honey.

When Chakor returns home lugging the groceries, she sees Suraj about to bite into a piece of toast. She quickly intercepts said toast and tells him he cannot eat just that. Breakfast is important, and she's back to make it for him. He asks her where she went, and what she's intending to celebrate coming home with all this food.

Chakor asks him to not be like that, she's been anticipating this weekend with just the two of them. He asks her whether she's fine making breakfast by herself, and not to let him go hungry. She grins and tells him that she's a new wife, she would never let her hubby go hungry. Suraj parrots back "new wife"?, "hubby"?, clearly understanding that Chakor wants to construct her little fantasy of a weekend day for a newlywed couple.

She pushes him out of the kitchen and upstairs, asking him to clean the room and do the laundry whilst she cooks. Suraj bursts her bubble by revealing that he knows she's trying to emulate what the newlyweds do in the movies.

Chakor replies that they ARE newlyweds, and pushes Suraj to just go do the cleaning chores. He makes one final push for them to just go out to eat, but Chakor cajoles and pouts him up the stairs. 

We cut to a cross-montage of Chakor setting the table and making breakfast, while Suraj makes the bed and cleans the room. When he heads to do the laundry, he pulls his pants out of the washer and discovers that Chakor put it in without taking out his keys, wallet, or money. He shakes his head, uttering only the long-accepted understanding that this is typical Chakor behavior.

Chakor has googled an English breakfast recipe, but it doesn't take a genius to know that the end result will resemble nothing like the pictures. Even Chakor is dejected at the food she made. When Suraj comes down, one look is all it takes. He gives a big sigh, and asks her whether this was some unintelligible English breakfast recipe? He is braver than me, as he sits down and actually takes one bite of the food.

He tells her that everything looks like an unrecognizable disaster, but the veggies are okay. She replies that she cooked it first, but Suraj tells her it needs to be soaked for a few hours beforehand before cooking. He looks at his wife and comments that this appears to be the breakfast made by new wife Chakor.

Suraj requests some coffee, and Chakor tentatively brings it with a niggling worry that it's also undrinkable. Suraj takes a sip and tells her that it's delicious, which brightens her up considerably, but she still apologizes for the breakfast debacle. She remembers the apples, and gives one to Suraj, explaining that the market employer gave them to her.

He takes a bite and confirms that the apples are as delicious as the market employer has promised. He tells her to eat the other one (after she initially thought he was offering her a bite from his apple, heh). Suraj says that having some coffee and an apple for breakfast on a weekend is not bad. Chakor replies that she'll do better tomorrow.

Suraj tells her that since he already did the household chores, aren't her next tasks to pick out an outfit for him to wear, to wash the comforter, and to go watch a movie? He tells her they should wash the comforter tonight then. Chakor is surprised that Suraj knows her grand plans for this weekend!

We cut back to the night before. Chakor is on the computer searching for English breakfast recipes. She writes down what she wants to make, and starts talking out loud to herself. She's planning to make him breakfast after a trip to the market to pick the freshest produce, then they will clean the house together. She wants to be a daughter-in-law that is loved by her family.

She continues on about washing the comforter under the sun, using lots and lots of bubbles, and then hanging it out to dry. Afterwards, they can go watch a movie. But not before she picks out the perfect outfit for Suraj, something autumnal. She goes to get it ready for tomorrow. It turns out that Suraj was in bed, but not asleep, and heard every word. He smiles his patented Suraj-Is-Secretly-Happy-His-Chakor-Loves-Him-So smile and goes to sleep.

Back to the breakfast table of inedible English breakfast food, Suraj tells Chakor that he knew everything she wanted to do since she spoke it out loud last night. Isn't their next move to go watch a movie? And she has to pick out his clothes? Chakor jumps up and runs off, telling him to wait a moment. He looks at his darling wifey as she scampers off to pick his clothes, and smiles at her enthusiasm.

They head out to watch the movie, and of course Chakor has dressed them in identical couple outfits. As they stroll through their neighborhood, folks turn to stare at their silly couple ways. Suraj grumbles, asking what kind of outfit she put him in since everyone is turning around to stare at him. Chakor tells him that he looks great.

He suddenly tells her to hold on a minute, and bends down to tie her shoelaces. Chakor is utterly in bliss. After Suraj finishes and stands up to keep walking, she runs and grabs his arm. She calls him the turkish term for "husband/hubby", and he responds by asking "what is it, wife". It was nothing she wanted from him, but something she wanted to give.

Chakor gives Suraj a quick kiss on the cheeks and runs ahead, giddy as a school girl. She beckons for him to hurry up and catch up, and then she entwines her arm around his again and together they walk off to watch that movie.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2018 ⏰

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