Muke pt. 5

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"DADDYYYYY" michael called from the step he was placed on 1 minuet before "COME GET MEEEE" he was stomping his foot
"Not yet Michael now the more you talk the more you stay there" luke says from the couch which was in the same room
(You step down into their living room)
Michael huffed and crossed his arms with a pout of his face
"  'ate 'ou" he said looking the other way
"Michael Gordon i hope you don't mean that"
"I 'oo"
Luke stands up, takes michael by the wrist and drags him up the stairs and locks him in his crib
Michaels shocked by his daddy's actions
"Maybe a nap will help"
Luke left
(This bit is inspired by the song all of the stars by Ed Sheeran)
"D-daddy?" He spoke to the baby monitor
He saw luke sitting on the couch crying
"Daddy i sowwy i no mean to" mikey said
He saw luke turn the monitor off and then he saw black
"What have i done" michael sobbed "i didn't mean it" he sobbed into his hands. "I need to apologise"
Michael gets up and unlocks his crib and walks down stairs
"D-daddy?" He stood on the step that he was sitting previously on. Luke looks at him then back at the TV he sometimes push his hair back behind his ears. Michael sighed and sat down on the step.
"I-i'll stay on the s-step" he says. Luke ignores him again. Michael hides his face with his arms and puts his head down on his lap.
5 minuets later Luke gets up to go to the bathroom and walked past michael. He looked up in hope but he just walked past him. Michaels face dropped and went back to his position.
Michael felt horrible he didn't think Luke would take this hard. He didn't want to be seen. He pulled his hair in front of his eyes. Luke came back and gave michael his dummy. Michael played with it in his hand. Then he felt angry and threw it at Lukes arm. Luke glared at him but michael just looked at him with a pout on his face. Hair still covering his eyes.

Luke picked up the dummy and put it up on the highest shelf that only he could reach

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Luke picked up the dummy and put it up on the highest shelf that only he could reach.
Michael just watched him and sobbed into his hands. "Daddy mikey sowwy no mean to" he screamed he only talks in third person when he's very Little.
Luke looked over and his eyes softened at his baby boy.
"Aww baby come here" Luke held his arms out.
Michael crawled over still sobbing and shaking.
Once he got to Lukes knees he held his arms up. Then Luke picked him up and hugged him tightly.
"Im sorry baby, i try to be the best daddy you ever wanted but daddy needs to have rules and when you break the rules daddy has to punish you. But when you said you hate me it broke daddys heart" Luke explained
"Mikey sowwy daddy. Mikey didn't mean to" michael mumbled while looking down.
"Good boy, i love you mikey" Luke says as he kissed michaels head.
"Mikey wuv dada too" he said and hugged Luke. 

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