Chapter 5

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*Taylor's POV*

I rolled over in my bed and reached for Luke but I couldn't find the warm body that was supposed to be next me. I slowly opened my eyes and found that he wasn't there. I sighed before sitting up in my bed. My mind began to wonder as to where Luke was last night, when I suddenly smelt bacon. I quickly stood from my bed and carefully walked downstairs. When I walked into the kitchen, I was shocked to see Luke making breakfast. I stood watching him in the doorway until he noticed me. 

"Good morning my lovely, beautiful wife!" He said while picking up in a hug and spinning me around. I couldn't but giggle even though I was still mad at him. After he twirled me around, he sat me down aon top of the kitchen counter. I opened my mouth, about to say something, but Luke cut me off.

"Before you say anything, I have to say that I'm so extremely sorry about last night. You have every reason to be mad at me but I truly am sorry Taylor. I love you so much and..." I stopped him by pressing my lips to his. When we separated from the kiss, I smiled at him. 

"I can never stay mad at you. I love you too much." I said quietly and smiled. Luke smiled widely and kissed me again. I kissed him quickly but then pushed him back. 

"You're going to burn the bacon!" I said to him. We both laughed before Luke walked to the stove and took the bacon out of the frying pan. 

"It's fine. Now we kiss some more." He said and leaned in close to me. Our lips moved closer but we were interrupted mid kiss by the sound of two noisy five year olds coming down the stairs. 

"Good morning cuties." Luke said as the twins walked into the kitchen. 

"Daddy!" They yelled and jumped into his arms. I watched as Luke hugged them tight and kissed each one of them on the forehead. 

"Don't forget to give Mommy kisses." He said and nudged Lana and Leo in my direction. The two of them ran over to me as I jumped off of the kitchen counter. I smiled and gave them good morning hugs and kisses. 

"Do I smell bacon?" Leo said before climbing onto the stool at the counter.

"Yes you do." I said before helping him into his seat and assisting Lana into hers. Luke then set a dish filled with bacon, eggs, and toast in front of each them.

"And after you eat, I have a special surprise for all of you." He said and returned to cooking. I looked at him confused as I reached for the orange juice inside the refrigerator. 

"Is it going to be like the surprise last night?" I asked him with a smile while pouring glasses of juice for everyone. Luke faked laughed and shook his head. 

"No it's nothing like last nights surprise. I can guarantee you'll like it...actually I can guarantee you'll LOVE it."  He said with a cheeky smile. I smiled at him and sat down next to Lana to eat my breakfast. 

"Is it a pet unicorn?" Lana asked as she shoved her scrambled eggs in her face. Luke shook his head no. 

Is it a rocket ship?" Leo asked before taking a sip of orange juice. 

"Nope." Luke said. I started getting anxious with every ridiculous guess they made. I wanted to know what the surprise was! 

"Lukey please just tell us!" I begged. Luke smiled and shook his head no.

"Not yet. After breakfast I'll tell you guys." He said. I set my fork down on top of my half eaten food and placed the dirty plate in the kitchen sink.

"Well I'm done." I said.

"Me too!" Lana and Leo said, handing me their plates still filled with food. Luke laughed. Lana, Leo and I all looked at him with puppy dog eyes and pouted our lips.

"Fine!" Luke said and set his plate into the sink. He then walked into the living room, the three of us following behind him. "Wait in here. I'll be right back." He said before running upstairs. I then sat down on the couch with Lana and Leo on each side of me. 

"What do you think the surprise is?" Lana whispered to me. I shrugged. 

"I have no idea." I said. 

"I think it's going to be a dog!" Leo said. I laughed and shook my head. 

"If he brings a dog into this house, he will be sleeping outside with that dog. I do not need any more crazy right now." I said while laughing slightly. 

I heard the stairs creeking and turned around to see Luke coming down the stairs with a large box in his hands. Leo and Lana's eyes lit up when they saw it. The box was so big that both of them could probably fit inside comfortably. It was wrapped in purple sparkly wrapping paper with rainbow polka dots all over it. I felt myself getting really excited as he set it down in front of us. 

"Can we open it?!" Lana yelled. Luke nodded and the twins attacked the box. They ripped off all the beautiful wrpping paper to reveal a plain cardboard box. They looked at Luke confused. 

"You have to open the top of the box." He pointed out. Leo nodded and removed the tape that held the top of the box shut. Lana then opened the flaps and out popped three helium balloons with notes attached to each of the strings. 

"What do the notes say? Do you need help?" I asked, since they were just learning to read. 

They both shook their heads no before slowly reading the words out loud. 

"We are.." Lana read the first note. 

"Going to..." Leo read the second. "I dont know this word." Leo said pointing to the last note. I stood from my seat on the couch and read the note. Tears started to fall from my eyes as I smiled and read the words. 

"Disney World!" I yelled and looked at the twins. 

"We're going to Disney World?!" Lana yelled and looked at Luke. He nodded and smiled at her. Lana and Leo looked at each other and screamed before attack Luke in hugs. He laughed and hugged them back. 

"There are some more surprises inside the box." He said to them. They quickly ran over and reached inside the box. Each of them then pulled out a backpack. Lana's was a pink minnie mouse one and Leo's was a blue mickey mouse. They unzipped them and found Disney themed clothes, small toys and snacks inside.

"Those are for the trip and for the plane ride there." Luke said.

"We're taking an airplane?!" Leo asked. "This just keeps getting better and better!"

 Lana and Leo smiled widely while they looked through their things.

I stood in my place and fought back the tears. Luke came over and wrapped his arms around me from behind. 

"Surprised?" He whispered in my ear. I nodded my head yes and continued to cry. 

"I know you love Disney World and since we never got to have a honeymoon, I thought this would be perfect." He said. I turned around in his arms and looked at him. I smiled and held his face in my hands before kissing him. 

"I can't wait!" I said after separating from the kiss.


Hey everyone! Two updates in two days! You should all be so proud. Ok so what do you think?! I'm love Disney World and anything Disney related and be prepared for stuff like that to be mentioned a lot and if ou have questions about the references I made please feel free to ask me about it. I love hearing from you guys too so please comment or message me. I love you all and happy reading! :) xx ~Kayla

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2014 ⏰

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